Monday, November 23, 2009

Home work 4


  1. Is this where we put homework 4? Anyway
    News Card # 4 Robert McBain
    Tuesday, November 24, 2009
    URL:'s Stab at the Killer iPhone App - Bridget McCrea, THE Journal
    Before the i Phone hit the mobile phone scene in 2007, the word "app" wasn't part of the typical person's vocabulary. That's changed over the last two years or so as an increasing number of software developers have come out with applications for mobile devices and an ever more diverse range of users, including K-12 technologists, educators, administrators, parents, and students. Following a path paved by Stanford University, which was among the first educational institutions to develop an i Phone app, K-12 schools are utilizing the mobile apps to get information out tostudents, parents, faculty, and employees via mobile devices.

  2. News Card #4 by Jingji

    Title: Can the law keep up with technology? URL:

    Internet can now relatively make easy how to find the value of a person's home or the extent of their political contributions. Meanwhile, people use social media applications to share personal details with the world. It is the challenge of "a world without anonymity," One thing that privacy protects is the ability not to be judged out of context on the basis of isolated snippets of information rather than genuine knowledge .The result is a blurring of the lines between what ought to be considered private and public.
    The law can only act on society's consensus. It is only good at policing the most extreme invasions and the most outrageous cases; it can't take the place of good manners, social norms and etiquette -- the kind of thing that has always governed negotiations about face-to-face behavior. We should never expect that the judges are going to save us from our own worst impulses.

  3. News card, from Google search
    Title/Code could stop computer viruses in their tracks
    19 November 2009 by Paul Marks

    The article says that the antivirus software can stop a new computer virus until security firms get round to kill the virus. Now engineers Simon Wiseman and Richard Oak at the defence technology
    company Qinetiq's security lab in Malvern, Worcestershire, UK, have
    come up with an answer to the problem.

    The idea is that it intercepts every file that
    could possibly hide a virus and add a string of computer code. The system's main focus is on emailing attachments and adding the extra code through the mailserver.
    It's purpose is to prevent by inserting a line of machine code - the raw code that microprocessor chips scan - into the header area of incoming files.
    more information -

  4. Jin Xin (Venus)
    Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals
    A team of South Korean scientists have produced the polymers used for everyday plastics through bioengineering, rather than through the use of fossil fuel-based chemicals
    It is believed that the technique may now allow for the production of environmentally-friendly plastic that is biodegradable and low in toxicity.

  5. Newscard4:
    Source of news:
    last updated at 22:45 GMT, Thursday, 19 November 2009

    First test for record solar plane

    This is the first trip across a runway of first solar-powered plane that plan for a record round the world journey. The testing plan will begin in this Thursday covered at least 2 km at speeds of up to five knots on landing strip in Switzerland. Its weight just 1,500 kg in jumbo jet size and It will be piloted by Swiss adventurer Bertrand Piccard. The final version will attempt to cross the Atlantic in 2012. It’s maident flight is settle for February.

    On Thursday’s test the plan will taxiing test carried out with a security trolley device to protect the craft in case the landing gears broke, but Friday’s test will be carried out without this device with double the speed to 10 knots.

    A spokesperson for Solar Impulse very excited about it. She explain about the test’s objectives are knowing how the plan moves on the ground and if it success, next step will be a short flight. She told that if the results is satisfactory, the staff will dismantle it and transport it (to Payerne air force base in western Switzerland). They will do the real first flight of about two hours, in February. Mr.Borschberg Stressed explain that the plan is truly a new design and because of the size of and Airbus and the weight of a mid-sized car so they can’t taking risk by not understanding something.

    Saharath Dowpiset

  6. Newscard;

    Nowadays, computer technology advances in the future very fast.In this news, computer scientists Leonard Kleinrock owns the first Interface Message Processor.Klainrock said "the internet is a democratizing element;everyone has an equivalent voice. The internet age is here,no way back at this point.


  7. Newscard
    Offline Gmail no longer shuns attachments
    November 24, 2009 1:43 PM PST

    Gmail users now can attach files to messages with the offline version of Google's Web-based e-mail service. This allows Gmail to capture all attachments, even if you suddenly get disconnected from the network. It is one more step in Google's overall effort to make Gmail one of its premiere Web applications.

    It's also a sign that the company hasn't lost interest in the general technology. Google added offline features to Gmail and to some parts of Google Docs and Google Calendar, but has been proceeding at something of a stately pace in spreading the technology.

  8. news card 4 :

    First look: Microsoft SharePoint 2010 beta

    San Francisco - Microsoft SharePoint 2010 is a major upgrade from SharePoint 2007 in several areas. It has a much improved user interface, especially for online editing. It supports more browsers. It does a better job of integrating with Microsoft Office. It provides more opportunities to developers and designers, as well as to shops that might want to consolidate other products (such as blogs and wikis and business applications) with SharePoint.

    A Visual Upgrade feature allows gradual conversions of individual subsites from the look of SharePoint 2007 to that of the new SharePoint 2010 at the convenience of the site owners. Sandboxing allows custom code to be deployed with a minimum of risk. Centralized Web administration and rich PowerShell support simplify and speed management tasks. And a centralized "health analyzer" interface provides a farm-wide dashboard.

  9. Newscard
    High-Tech Sports Broadcast Technology uses CG players for ESPN Analaysis (Nov. 2009)

    This is an innovation that creates virtual versions of players (such as Kobe Bryant)who can interact with TV analysts to run moves. It will be used as a teaching tool to take fans onto the floor. X-box cameras are used to encode the gym and the 3D players are superimposed. It runs in real time using CG elements. The plays must be designed beforehand.

  10. news card from wanhong zhang(krystal): toll rises to 57 in Philippines

    Manila, Philippines (CNN) -- Authorities have disbanded a paramilitary force in the southern Philippines suspected of having a role in the massacre of at least 57 unarmed civilians, the country's state-run media reported Wednesday.

  11. News Card #4 by Murat Kiymaz

    Title: New iPhone worm can act like botnet say experts

    This is the second iPhone worm to be encountered, however, since the poverbial genie is out of the bottle, we can expect to see more of these attacks in the future. As an avid iPhone user, I'm worried. Have a look at this news item to get the full story.


  12. News card # 4 by Maliheh Gorjian
    Title:U.N. report: New HIV infections decreasing November 24, 2009 3:16 p.m. EST

    (CNN) -- New HIV infections have fallen worldwide by 17 percent over the past eight years, a testament to prevention efforts, according to a U.N. report released Tuesday.

    In addition, the number of people living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, has increased, and over the last five years, AIDS deaths have declined by 10 percent, thanks to antiretroviral drug therapy and access to lifesaving treatments, said the report by the Joint U.N. Program on HIV/AIDS and World Health Organization.

    However, not all the news was good as researchers found evidence that some prevention programs miss the mark because they are not tailored for different populations affected by the epidemic.

    Success was seen particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, where new infections declined about 15 percent, or some 400,000 people, according to the report.

    However, that area remains the region hardest-hit by the virus, accounting for 67 percent of infections worldwide, the report said. "The epidemic continues to have an enormous impact on households, communities, businesses, public services and national economies in the region," it said.


  13. Newscard 4
    eBay opens auction app for BlackBerry
    RIM's BlackBerry App World is slowly but surely gaining ground as a storefront for distributing BlackBerry applications. eBay is the latest major company to forge a presence in the storefront, in the form of an eBay app for BlackBerry auctioneers in the U.S. and Canada.

    The official eBay for BlackBerry application, which was co-developed by eBay and RIM, includes features to search for, track, and buy an item from the smartphone. Unsurprisingly, the eBay app accepts PayPal payments--PayPal has not only been an eBay company since 2002, it is also currently the only payment system for purchasing BlackBerry apps through the App World.
    In addition to letting users search and buy, the eBay app will notify you of your bidding status, including when you've won or lost a bid. It can also schedule auction-related reminders in the BlackBerry calendar.


  14. News card #4
    Topic:Map shows Mars had wet, humid climate

    A NEW detailed map of Mars shows what was likely a vast ocean in the north and valleys around the equator, suggesting that the planet once had a humid, rainy climate, according to research.
    The computer-generated map, based on topographic data from NASA satellites, also showed that the network of valleys on the red planet was at least twice as extensive as previously estimated.


  15. Newscard No.4 by Yuhua Xie
    Title:Theatre performances available in eight languages

    A new device which enables theatre goers to read live captions of a performance in eight different languages has launched.
    AirScript's developers, Cambridge Consultants, hope the handsets will attract more tourists to theatres.
    The captions, received over wifi, scroll throughout live performances.
    The handsets have LED backlighting with a black background and orange text to minimise glare. They have a battery life of up to six hours. The script appears in real time in a choice of English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese or Chinese. The translations have been made by interpreters rather than translation software. The devices contain very little software. The scripts are not stored either - once a line has scrolled off the screen it cannot be retrieved. Up to 200 handsets can run simultaneously in an auditorium.

  16. Newscard 4
    Title: E-Readers: The Multipurpose Competition Heats Up

    E-book devices now let users wirelessly download all kinds of content, including music. New entrants to the market boost the chances for broader e-commerce use

    Electronic book readers aren't just for books anymore. Just how widely e-book readers may soon be used became clearer on Sept. 23. That's when news that a little-known electronics manufacturer plans to enter the market in November was quickly overtaken by leaked photos that indicated Microsoft (MSFT) has also set its sights on the e-book market.

  17. News Card 4
    Title:U.S., China help climate talks, but tangles remain
    URL :
    China and The United States promise the United Nations to cut down greenhouse gases by 2020 but forget big tangles over cash, rich nations' emission cuts and how to tie down a legal tready.
    China's goal is that economic growth will be more than carbon intensity by 2020.However, U.S cuts emission by 3 percent below by 2020 from 1990level.The average percent of rich nations' emission slow down 14 to 18 by 2020 from 1990 level.
    The United Nations wants at least $10 billion a year to help developing nations because they always face the disaster."A politically binding promise by a a meaningless term," said Tom Burke, of the E3G think-tank in London. "There is a serious intent but what it means is fuzzy."

  18. News card # 4 by moekyaw
    URL :
    Title - New device enable early detection of cancerous skin tumors
    Rrcearcher at Ben-Gurion Universityof the Negev are developing a new device that detact cancerous skin tumor , including melanomos that aren't visible to the naked eye.
    Duing anitial testing, the OSPI instrument(Optical Spectro-Polarimetrid Imaging) revealed new tectuer of lesion that have never been before,including melanoma in patient who were dignosed with various skin lesions and were awaiting surgery for their removal.The instrument diagnosed 73 type of lesions, some of them cancerous.

  19. News card 4
    Title- The latest shoe detector
    After the terrible action of September 11th, the IDO security in Israel introduced shoe detector in their main airport for travellers to travel safely. Unlike the other detector, it can scan the whole foot. So you don't need to take off your shoes in checking area.

  20. News Card #4

    Title: Mobile Technology Goes to School
    Article by Cara Bafile
    Education World®
    Copyright © 2009 Education World

    Visit fifth grade teacher Matt Cook's classroom at Trinity Meadows Intermediate School in Keller, Texas, and you are likely to find students glued to their cell phones.
    It is a project initiated by Cook and supported by corporate sponsors where they are exploring the educational uses of cell phones, which Cook believes in the long run will become the cheapest way to do one-to-one computing. The portability and mobility of cell phones make them an ideal teaching tool, toting the classroom anywhere, anytime. At a time when some educators sought ways to eliminate cell phones as a distraction in the classroom, Cook has capitalize on the technology that students already possessed.
    The kids take the phones 24-7, and have completed many different assignments from home and often ask questions about assignments using email. Cook's fifth graders use their cell phones on a daily basis to collaborate by sharing information; to gather data; and to work with Microsoft Word and Excel. They can review material with PowerPoint, communicate about projects, and capture images of their work with the cell phone cameras. GoKnow provides applications that students use every day, such as Sketchy, an animation/drawing tool, and MyProjects, which enables students to access a project home page and organize multiple resources.
    For further interest, Matt Cook suggests that teachers get their feet wet using this technology in the classroom by investigating the many free tools available for cell phones. Liz Kolb's site, From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Learning

  21. News Card #4

    NASA has completed its fall mission of data collection on ice sheets and sheet to Antartica to seek a better understanding of how melting in that region could affect sea level around the world. NASA emphasized the aeronautics part of its name in undertaking the mission. It mentioned that overflights were done not by settalite or Space Shuttle, but DC 8 Jetliner that had once been commercial service. The flights in October and November were part of the six-year operation of ice bridge.

  22. News Card #4

    NASA has completed its fall mission of data collection on ice sheets and sheet to Antartica to seek a better understanding of how melting in that region could affect sea level around the world. NASA emphasized the aeronautics part of its name in undertaking the mission. It mentioned that overflights were done not by settalite or Space Shuttle, but DC 8 Jetliner that had once been commercial service. The flights in October and November were part of the six-year operation of ice bridge.

  23. News Card #4
    Jean Chang (522-9615)

    Amkette Announces keyboard with Optical Trackball

    For the first time history in India, Amkette launched its product of the Wireless Optical Trackball Keyboard. This is a friendly and ergonominc device that allows you to working off the desk and you can actually be relax while working. The WF-301, device containing 2.4GHz wireless technology for precise keyboard and trackball commands, works up to a distance as far as 10mtrs.

    This device is ready to be used with any full-size unit of Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7 as well as MAC OS X&Linux. It has a space-saving trackball that allows gamers to have an easy 360-degree navigation. With its low profile keys, multimedia control, sleek and elegant design, this is an ideal wireless keyboard device fits for any professionals in different sectors like BFSI, Art & Direction, Media centers etc.

    Other than that, this new keyboard device also features a Power Saving Circuit which it will switch off automatically if it is idle for more than 4 minutes. On top of that, with its full function Optical Trackball features, with scroll wheel and two sets of right and left buttons, it is basically easier for the users to operate while holding the keyboards on hand regardless of the distance and position.

  24. Science untarnished by 'Climategate,' U.N. says

    LONDON--The head of the U.N.'s panel of climate experts rejected accusations of bias on Thursday, saying a "Climategate" row in no way undermined evidence that humans are to blame for global warming.

    Climate change skeptics have seized on a series of e-mails written by specialists in the field, accusing them of colluding to suppress data which might have undermined their arguments.

    The e-mails, some written as long as 13 years ago, were stolen from a British university by unknown hackers and spread rapidly across the Internet.


    David Waswa

    There I was, staking my claim to a pilot's slot in one of NASA's next-generation lunar landers, and to be perfectly frank, I think I'd better not quit my day job.

    "I think we probably walked away from that," said NASA aerospace engineer Eric Mueller, after one rough touchdown. It was an overly charitable assessment of my performance. I'd hate to know what he was really thinking.

    If you've been paying attention, you're probably aware that there are no current missions to the moon, and so you know that I wasn't actually trying to land there. But I was piloting the same equipment that real-life astronauts have been using to prepare for potential future lunar trips, and so you'll have to forgive me for being a bit disappointed that my skills are likely not up to snuff.

  26. News Card #4 by Qingfang Wei
    Title: China to launch second lunar probe
    China will launch a second lunar probe next October, state-run media reported Friday.
    The probe, named Chang'e-2, will orbit 60 miles (100 km) closer to the moon than the nation's first probe, which launched in 2007, according to China Daily.That unmanned probe, Chang-e-1, hit the moon in a controlled crash in March after a 16-month mission.
    Chang'e-2 is part of the second phase of China's ambitious lunar exploration program. In the third phase, scheduled for 2017, China plans to send a spacecraft to collect samples on the moon, China Daily reported.
    The country's space program has made significant steps this decade.

  27. Nimol

    News card # 4

    Title : Chrome extensions site now open for uploads

    Google has opened up its gallery for developers to share Chrome extensions, a step that soon should make it easier for people to customize the open-source browser. Moreover, Google plans to let some testers use the gallery to download extensions, too. Other way, Extensions is a major asset of the Firefox browser and the headline feature of the upcoming Chrome 4 beta, let people modify the browser more to their favorite. One feature of Google's system is that add-ons are automatically updated on Chrome users' computers once the developer uploads a new version. Then the gallery will allow users to rate products.

    Source :

  28. David Sanderson
    News Card #4

    IBM develop a cognitive computer system

    The researchers at IBM have developed a computer system that can mimic the proesses of a cats brain. The researchers say that they are a mere 10 years away from being able to mimic the thought processes of a human brain. This may sound a little sci-fi but the researchers involved assure us that the days of real functioning A.I. are just around the corner.
    Daniel Kantor the medical director of Neurologique says “a cognitive computer could quickly and accurately put together the disparate pieces of any complex puzzle and help make good decisions rapidly”
    So are we soon to enter the age of true A.I. If the work of I.B.M. is anything to go by it could just be a few years away.


  29. Title: X2X video trim to trim and convert video files

    You might come across some good movies or video clips and want to cut a specific section of the video for some reasons such as sharing with friends, incorporating into a presentation file, using as teaching material, etc. There are various video editing tools which allow users to cut or trim video files. However, many of these video trimming applications are not so user- friendly. They feature many advanced functions which are not really required by amateur users and which confuse them instead. X2X Free Video Trim is a simple but powerful video player cum trimmer that users can consider if they are looking for something simple but can still serve the same purpose.
    X2X Free Video Trim features basic control buttons: play, pause, stop, move forward and backward. They can be used to support most of the popular video and audio file formats. Users who need to cut or trim a particular section of a video or audio file can make use of this application to do the trimming and convert the trimmed portion into either MP3 or MP4 files. This simple and user-friendly interface video trimmer is extremely attractive. Users can do the video trimming easily and concurrently while watching the video.
    You can download from this following link.
    By Patricia

  30. Newscard #4

    The two agencies said Friday that the new rules, which were to take effect on Dec. 1, would be delayed until June 1 of next year.

    A key Democratic opponent of the ban on online gambling praised the action and said it would give Congress time to overturn a law passed in 2006 when Republicans controlled Congress.

    The delayed rules would curb online gambling by prohibiting financial institutions from accepting payments from credit cards, checks or electronic fund transfers to settle online wagers.

    Kenny Somvongsiri

    I like this cause I use to play poker online and make money!

  31. homework 4.markokee

    newscard; Title The Tenori-On At Home

    The original Tenori-On was a very good looking device, with a brilliant white LED matrix on the front and back, a machined metal case and an internal battery. Its price on release was about £999.

    This new incarnation – the Tenori-On Orange – is billed as a ‘home’ version, presumably because it lacks the LED grid on the rear (for the audience to see) and also has been deprived of its battery.

    The launch price of the Orange is £649 in the UK, which is not exactly cheap – especially when you consider the raft of customisable grid-based controllers already on the market for far less cash – and its beige plastic body certainly makes it far less aesthetically pleasing than its predecessor

  32. News Card: Naly Arunkit
    NECTEC is a dynamic organization which is responsible for the development of Information Technology in Thailand. Its mission is to ensure Thailand's competitiveness in Electronics and Computer and the use of IT to stimulate economic and social impact through own R&D programs as well as R&D funding services to universities.


    The Royal Society puts historic papers online
    One of the world’s oldest scientific institutions is marking the start of its 350th year by putting 60 of its most memorable research papers online.
    The Royal Society, founded in London in 1660, is making public manuscripts by figures like Sir Isaac Newton.
    The Royal Society grew out of the so-called "Invisible College" of thinkers who began meeting in the mid-1640s to discuss science and philosophy.
    Its official foundation date is 28 November 1660 and thereafter it met weekly to debate and witness experiments.


    Sometimes it's the little things that count.

    The most prominent feature of Firefox 3.6 is Personas, which let you reskin the browser with thousands of different looks. But my single favorite change is a subtler change to the open-source browser's user interface.
    Specifically, when you open a link in a new tab, it appears immediately to the right of the active tab. Before, the new tabs would appear to the far right of the strip of tabs.


    Building circuits, code, community at Noisebridge hacker space

    SAN FRANCISCO--About 30 people listened intently on a recent Thursday night to short presentations on linear algebra and beer brewing, watched a demo of an iPhone cyberspace shooter game, and learned how to make a light staff (acrylic rod, LED, resistor, tape, no soldering required).

    For the last talk, a speaker billed as "Dr. Baron Mikheil von Burstein, esq." explained how to pull off his interactive public art specialty--swings that hang in the aisles on the underground trains in the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system.

  36. News Card #4

    Titile: Large Hadron Collider sets world energy record
    Paul Rincon | BBC News | November 30 2009

    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment on the French-Swiss border has set a new world record for energy.

    The LHC pushed the energy of its particle beams beyond one trillion electron volts, making it the world's highest-energy particle accelerator.

    The previous record was held by the Tevatron particle accelerator in Chicago.

    Officials say it is another milestone in the LHC's drive towards its main scientific tests set for 2010.

    The LHC is designed to smash together beams of sub-atomic particles at just under the speed of light. Researchers hope to see signs of new physics in the aftermath of the collisions, helping them unlock the secrets of the Universe.

    Operated by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (better known by its French acronym Cern), the LHC is built inside a 27km-long circular tunnel.

    'Pilot beam'

    "We are still coming to terms with just how smoothly the LHC commissioning is going," said Cern's director general Rolf Heuer.

    "It is fantastic. However, we are continuing to take it step-by-step, and there is still a lot to do before we start physics in 2010. I'm keeping my champagne on ice until then."

    Until now the LHC had been operating at a relatively low energy of 450 billion electron volts.

    On Sunday, engineers increased the energy of this "pilot beam", reaching 1.18 trillion electron volts at 2344 GMT.

    The previous record of 0.98 trillion electron volts has been held by the Tevatron accelerator since 2001.

    The LHC is eventually expected to operate at some seven trillion electron volts.

    Last week, the machine circulated two beams of protons for the first time and carried out its first low-energy beam collisions.

    Researchers working on the collider have said they are delighted with the quick progress made since the machine restarted on 20 November.

    The LHC had to be shut down for repairs shortly after its inauguration in September 2008 when an electrical fault caused one tonne of liquid helium to leak into the collider's tunnel.

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