Sunday, November 15, 2009

Home Work 3


  1. David Sanderson Blogspot


    The New York Times
    Printer Friendly Format Sponsored By

    November 15, 2009
    Can D.I.Y. Supplant the First-Person Shooter?

    The face of the enemy flashed across a 20-foot screen. “That’s right,” Jason Rohrer announced. “It’s Roger Ebert.” There were a few boos, as several hundred people stirred in their seats. The film critic’s cherubic face stared at the audience. “Ebert said video games can’t be art,” Rohrer said. “He issued all of us a direct challenge. And we need to find an answer.”

    Rohrer was addressing the Game Developers Conference, one of his industry’s premier trade events. Each spring, the conference convenes in San Francisco, and among the tens of thousands of people who attend is a burgeoning fringe of independent designers like Rohrer who hope to radically transform their medium. “A realization is dawning that games can be much more than what they are now,” Rohrer told me later. “They even have the potential to be meaningful in deep, fundamental ways.”

    These game designers, a self-described indie scene, form a tightly knit group with a do-it-yourself culture and a rebellious spirit — something like a ’zine movement for video games. New and cheap technologies have enabled the movement’s rise. New tools for production and distribution — through smartphones, over the Web and via downloadable services on PlayStation, Wii and Xbox consoles — now make it possible for individuals to conceive, develop and publish their own games.

    Rohrer himself is a kind of Thoreauvian game designer, a 31-year-old back-to-the-land programmer-philosopher who lives in Las Cruces, N.M., where he codes his eccentrically engrossing games, which can feel like digitally mediated poetic moods, on an ancient computer and makes them available free online. “Now anyone can do it,” he says, “which is not how the mainstream video-game industry works.”

    Video-game companies were once nimble trailblazers born in the countercultural spirit of the 1970s. But it didn’t take long for the industry to grow into a kingdom of conglomerates, spending tens of millions of dollars on big titles. Soaring development costs squeezed out small publishers and stifled creativity. “There are some great mainstream games, but they are getting to be fewer and further between,” says Rob Auten, who used to run video-game production for 20th Century Fox. “Our industry is probably more risk-averse than Hollywood. It is extremely difficult to break the patterns of the establishment.”

    Hence the growing opposition. At the conference, the indie community gathered daily, halfway down one wing of the basement, in Room 131, where Rohrer and dozens of other speakers discussed what you might call games for games’ sake. It was a diverse group, including teenagers who make Web games for fun; fine-arts refugees who create digital esoterica; and indie success stories, like Jenova Chen, the co-creator of the PlayStation 3 hit Flower, and Jonathan Blow, who almost single-handedly created Braid, perhaps the most successful independent game of all time. Although theirs is a loyal opposition — they say it is because they love video games so much that they are called to action — there is a playfully polemical attitude among indie gamers, some of whom wore matching eyepatches around the conference as a sign of solidarity. They are activists, people who want to take on juggernauts with two-megabyte downloads. For them, games are software manifestos.

  3. Instead of leather wallets, consumers could, sooner than they think, carry virtual wallets, with their credit card and bank information stored on remote computers that are accessible everywhere and anytime. They could use them whenever they want to buy something, whether on the Web, on cellphones or at cash registers.

  4. Firefox Claims a Quarter of Browsers Used
    Gregg Keizer, Computerworld

    Nov 16, 2009 3:25 am

    One out of four people in the world on the Internet are now using Mozilla's open-source Firefox browser, a Web metrics company said this week.

    The 25% milestone was reached by Firefox on Sunday the 15th November, said Vince Vizzaccaro, executive vice president of California-based Net Applications. They are able to measure browser usage by tracking the machines that visit the 40,000 sites it monitors for clients.

    "We always thought that Firefox would be in a great position to compete with Microsoft's Internet Explorer if it made 10%," Vizzaccaro said today. "Now one in four people globally are browsing the Internet with Firefox."

  5. wanghongzhang
    new card:
    title:New mobile platform will get you through day with eye toward productivity

    HTC is stepping up in the biggest way, with the HTC Pure, HTC Imagio, HTC Ozone, and HTC Tilt 2 arriving Tuesday or in the next couple of weeks. Samsung's also warming to WinMo with the Samsung Intrepid. As for carriers, all the majors except T-Mobile are on this bandwagon, so you'll have AT&T, Sprint and Verizon Wireless to choose from.

  6. Title: Hackers create tools for disaster relief

    At the first-ever Random Hacks of Kindness event, developers work on technology tools that emergency relief workers can use in disasters.
    • Photos: Hackers with a heart
    If you want to know the details, please check the webside as above!

  7. My Blog -->

    NEWS CARD --> First iPhone, now Droid. Who needs Windows?

    If the iPhone didn't finish off Windows Mobile in the smartphone market, the Motorola Droid may.

    Windows Mobile is losing the last vestiges of its mojo--if it really had any to begin with--as the Droid and other phones based on the Android 2.0 operating system push the buzz meter needle into the red zone. Many in the media--which can play a big role in steering users to one technology platform or another--sense that Windows Mobile has now been relegated resolutely to has-been status.

    Windows Mobile had only a 4 percent share of the mobile OS market worldwide, down from 7 percent in February.

    But getting back to my original premise of no mobile mojo for Windows. The fact is that consumers don't care about Windows on smartphones. In other words, while Windows seems to be a prerequisite for many consumers when buying a PC, it just doesn't come into play in a big way in a smartphone purchase.

    This will have ramifications beyond Microsoft of course. Companies like Toshiba (and its attractive TG01 smartphone) will probably not be as successful on Windows Mobile as they would (will) be on Android 2.0. Or, at the very least, will not get the necessary buzz.

    So the Droid may not be the iPhone killer but rather the Windows Mobile slayer. Microsoft, of course, will always have the unassailable PC franchise. But, wait, isn't Android coming to Netbooks next year? Maybe the real battle royal for Microsoft is yet to come.

  8. Liu I Wei

  9. wanhong zhang(krystal)

  10. News card from;posts

    my blog address

    it's right

  13. lu ting
    my one


  15. Naly Arunkit: Sends Blog

  16. Jin xin(venus) my blog

  17. Blog Site:

    Newscard #3

    WebTV, Finally.

    Big TV manufacturers including Sony, Samsung, LG, Panasonic and Vizio say that they're poised to revolutionize television this Christmas shopping season: They're about to launch the first major marketing push for a new generation of sets that can easily integrate Web content with traditional TV news and entertainment – without the fuss of connecting the TV to a set-top box.

    But the new versions of Web TVs will soon become the norm in consumer electronics stores. In 2014, consumers in North America will buy 45 million of these sets, representing 69% of all TV sales, ABI Research says. That's up from 6 million and 14% of sales in 2009.


    Saharath Blog
    I cant'put Youtube in my blog becaue my computer can't download flash player.

  19. hi, argai , this is my own blog.MARKOKEE

  20. Maliheh gorjian

    my assignment

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  22. Hi, welcom to my
    Open to all

  23. Blog of Yuhua Xie

  24. Dr. Supit Now I finished my blog and invite you to see this.
    Welcome all to visit my blog.

  25. ASSIGNMENT #3: My Blog


    Botnets are networks of compromised computers controlled by one central server. Such networks (Botnets) present an excellent opportunity for online criminals; they are fertile breeding grounds for spammers.
    In order to protect users, researchers normally reverse engineer the installing software and decode each bot’s communication with the server. This process takes weeks or even months giving criminals an opportunity to hack into private networks.
    Well, not any more thanks to researchers of Berkeley California and Mellon University for creating a system that automatically reverse engineers the communication between compromised computers and their controlling servers.

  26. News Card # 3 Robert McBain

    Educational Technology Innovation and Impact/Virtual Learning Environments/Virtual Classroom. From Wiki-books, the open-content textbooks collection Virtual classroom
    “Virtual classroom it is an environment unlike the traditional classroom. In actual fact, the virtual classroom is wherever you and your computer happen to be. It could be in your room, in one of the University microcomputer labs, or at an isolated site far removed from the KSU campus. Your virtual class schedule is whatever time you want it to be” [ ] Virtual classroom provides a perfect environment for online training and gives a feel of being in the classroom itself. Virtual classroom integrates the best learning practices with the power of internet to provide a dynamic learning platform to the learner. The virtual classroom/e-learning has innumerable advantages and the most vital of which are the saving of time and cost, no interaction between
    teachers and students and no sense of peer pressure. Of course, taking internet-based course at the pre-College/university level can have both pros and cons. Below will follow some of them that would make you decide if virtual learning is for you.
    Positive aspects of virtual classroom/e-learning.

    “Independence and time Management
    Students who take courses online often sharpen their ability to work on their own, and they also expand experience in managing their time efficiently. With nobody to stand over them and make them work, virtual learners tend to develop these skills more rapidly than if they were to learn strictly in a traditional classroom.

    Advanced and specialized classes
    In many cases, small school and rural schools simply cannot offer advanced or specialized classes. Virtual education gives students the opportunity to gain experience in areas that would otherwise remain out of reach.

    Emphasis on the written work
    Strong writing skills are essential to success in secondary and higher education as well as in the workplace. Virtual learning/distance education teaches students to communicate more effectively through writing, because the questions they ask and the work they complete is based almost solely on the written word. Virtual learning clearly gives students the chance to widen writing skills.

    Lack of face-to face interaction
    Some educators dispute that both teacher-student and student-student contact are essential to the learning process, and online classes eradicate these elements of education altogether. Also, students who excel at class participation need to deem that this piece of the learning puzzle will be missing as well.

    The need to self-start
    Virtual education actually lets students make their own schedules. Those who have a hard time with self-motivation will undoubtedly have problem in this type of educational

  27. From Robert McBain
    My new blog page is


  29. Blog Site :

    Do yourself a favour and check it out!

    News Card #3

    Telstra spokesman Craig Middleton confirmed today that the company was abandoning its presence on Second Life.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. News card;

    I want to share you what I have read from new website.
    According to the diaries, Benito Mussolini was barbarous,who proudly told that he vowed to "destroy them all".And also talked about what he received from Hitler at the 1938 Munich conference and fought Pope Pius XI for Nazism an Fascism.
    In addition,Mussolinis said "these disgusting Jews,I must destroy them all" and he called Jews "enemies"and "reptiles".Then,he denounced Pius XI as harming the Catholic Church,according to diaries.
    Moreover,Italy's racial laws restricted the rights of Jews and expelled them from government, university and other fields.In 1943, German troops occupied northern and central Italy,and thouands of Jews were deported.

  32. NEWS CARD # 3

    TITLE : A 25-hour operation to separate conjoined twins has been successful, say doctors in Australia.

    URL :

    Bangladeshi twins Trishna and Krishna, who are nearly three years old, were joined at the top of the head.

    A 16-strong team began the delicate operation separating the girls' brain tissue at 2300GMT on Sunday.


    Neurosurgeons divided the children's brains at approximately 1100 local time (0000GMT).

    Mr Donnan said , "There was relief but I think everyone realised there was still a long way to go and that the girls have a very difficult time ahead of them," he said.

    He said the next step for the pair was reconstructive surgery, involving the girls' own skin, bone grafts and other artificial material.

    This is due to take several hours, with the girls then expected to remain in an induced coma for some days, the AFP news agency reported.
    Surgeons operating on the twins
    Surgeons worked through the night on the two girls
    The girls had been close to death when they arrived in Australia two years ago, and they have already had several preparatory operations.

    They were flown over by the Children First Foundation, because of the poor survival rates after similar operations in Bangladesh.
    Doctors had earlier said there a 25% chance one of the sisters could die, and a 50% chance of the girls suffering brain damage.

    On Tuesday, Chief of Surgery Leo Donnan said both girls are "doing well" following the surgery at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.

    this is my blog:

  33. News card #3 by:Lu ting

    Title:AT&T expands its cloud service


    AT&T(American telephone&telegraph)has unveiled its lastest cloud-based offering. which can help to save money for companies whose data center resources become taxed.
    this sevice will improve to be big capacity & security.

  34. Assignment 3
    Quicken 2010 Takes Cues from the Web
    The newest version of Intuit's personal finance software includes key improvements on the previous iteration, PCWorld says
    By Yardena Arar

    San Francisco - With so many Web sites offering capable—and free—personal finance management tools, why would you pay $30, or significantly more, for a desktop application? To find out, I looked at a shipping copy of Quicken Premier 2010, and was impressed by the improvements I found over previous versions. Even with no serious retail competition in the wake of Microsoft's decision to stop selling Microsoft Money, Intuit continues to refine a product with much to offer those seeking full-featured tracking and planning. But its primary appeal will be to people who are more comfortable keeping their financial information off the Web than using the cloud.

    Interestingly, however, Web-based finance apps appear to inform many of the improvements in Intuit's 2010 desktop line. A major interface overhaul begins with a home screen that reflects the simplified design esthetic of sites such as Rudder and Mint (the latter is in the final stages of acquisition by Intuit): You see three stacked modules, starting with a colorful pie chart showing the previous month's spending by major categories along with (in large type) the total spent.

    The middle module shows what bills are coming due in the next two weeks, along with Quicken's calculations (based on your input for income) of how much money (again shown in large type) you'll have left in your spending accounts after paying them. And finally, you get bar charts showing how your spending for the current month in key categories (categories you choose) tracks against your budget for those categories.

    cui mei zhang 's blog:

  35. News Card #3
    Title:Eye Spy: Filmmaker plans to install camera in his eye
    By Priya Ganapati |28 January 2009 |Categories: Culture, Technology

    Spence, a 36-year-old Canadian filmmaker wants a wireless video camera inside his prosthetic. Spence will not be restoring his vision which he lost as a result of a childhood accident since the camera won't connect to his brain.

    If successful, he will become one of many life casters who use video and internet technology to record and broadcast every moment of their waking lives. But Spence is taking it a step further, with a bionic eye camera that is actually embedded in his body. It's an interesting and innovative idea because it provides a way for people to record images in life as they see [them] and store [them].

    There are a lot of challenges in this from building a camera system that works and is small enough, to sending and receiving images, to getting the correct shape of the camera. Also, a digital camera has many components including the power supply and image-processing circuitry. Also the eyeball chassis has to close shut and be watertight. Traditional prosthetic eyes are single pieces made with polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA). To fit a camera in the prosthetic eye it has been redesigned in two pieces that can snap shut. But the modified prosthetic eye will be heavier than traditional ones and that could affect the eye socket. So weight is also an issue.

    Assuming the size, weight and water-tightness issues can be solved. A camera module will be connected to a transmitter inside the prosthetic eye that can broadcast the captured video footage. To boost the signal, Spence will wear another transmitter on his belt. A receiver attached to a hard drive in a backpack could capture that information and then send it to another device that uploads everything to a web site in real time.

    If Spence is successful he will be more than just another cyborg. The documentary film he's making about his efforts, plus the experience of living with a video camera in his eye, could help build greater awareness about the culture of surveillance in our society today, he says.

  36. Blog my blog on Blogger and have a blog of a good time!

  37. Newscard 3

    source of news: Technology reporter, BBC News By Jonathan Fildes
    at 10:49 GMT, Monday, 16 November 2009

    UN slated for stifling net debate

    There are some problems in the Internet Governance Forum in Egypt. The OpenNet Initiative (ONI) officer has braim that the UN officer throw their poster away. The poster has mension about internet censorshiop and China’s great firewall. Professor Ron Deibert co-founder of the OpenNet Initiative said that the unfair treated from UN officer by show the evident video in youtube that show UN security guards tried to keep the poster on the floor and bring it out. But UN spokeperson said that "No UN official was involved in throwing the poster on the floor. They allowed ONI officer to bring it back after afternoon.
    From the complaint of deligates about the unapproved and some parts of poster defind that "internet censorship and surveillance are increasing in democratic countries as well as authoritarian states”.
    UN officer requested ONI staff to stop to distributed the invitation that mension to the sensitve politic issued of Tibet. UN officer told that it’s not relevant to the main issued in this forum.
    The IGF secretary said that the ONI staff use the room for a wrong purspose. First they asked the room for Access Controlled Seminar but then they use the room to promote the film that relevant about fee Tibet. Finally they dicided to quite the distribution.
    Reporters Without Borders said that it’s really surprise that UN support to organized Internet Governance Forum in Egypt. Most of the delegrate is government officer, bussiness and Internet luminaries.
    The IGF had been organized World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia in 2005 with more than 1,400 participants and runs from 15 to 18 November.


  38. News Card #3 by Jingji
    Title:China joins supercomputer elite


    China has become one of a handful of nations to own one of the top five supercomputers in the world.Her Tianhe-1 computerpacks more than 70,000 chips and can compute 563 trillion calculations per second (teraflops). It is used for petroleum exploration and engineering tasks such as simulating aircraft designs.
    However, the fastest machine is the US-owned Jaguar supercomputer, which now boasts a speed of 1.759 petaflops.

  39. Jingji Blogspot

  40. Title: New Apple Wireless Magic Mouse With Multi-Touch Technology
    I have found in the website that Apple Inc. has produced the world’s first mouse to utilize Apple’s revolutionary Multi-Touch technology, featuring a seamless touch-sensitive enclosure that allows it to be a single or multi-button mouse thanks to the advanced gesture support, allowing left or right handed users to scroll in any direction and to pan a full 360 degrees by simply touching anywhere on the smooth, seamless top shell.
    The amazing Magic Mouse incorporates powerful laser tracking engine that’s far more sensitive and responsive on more surfaces than traditional optical tracking engines. Besides, Magic Mouse connects wirelessly to your Mac via Bluetooth wireless technology, delivering a reliable, secure connection up to 10 meters (33 feet) away.
    According to Apple, Multi-button or gesture commands can be easily configured from Magic Mouse preference pane in System Preferences. Apple’s new stylish Magic Mouse comes standard with every new iMac is slated to be available later this month for a suggested retail price of $69, compatible with Mac OS X version 10.5.8 or later.


    By Patricia Thandar

  41. Assignment # 3 By: Maliheh Gorjian
    Article : is about planets discovered
    32 planets discovered outside solar system
    Thirty-two planets have been discovered outside Earth's solar system through the use of a high-precision instrument installed at a Chilean telescope, an international team announced Monday.

    This artist's rendering shows one of the so-called exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system.

    The existence of the so-called exoplanets -- planets outside our solar system -- was announced at the European Southern Observatory/Center for Astrophysics, University of Porto conference in Porto, Portugal, according to a statement issued by the observatory.

    The announcement was made by a consortium of international researchers, headed by the Geneva Observatory, who built the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher, or HARPS. The device can detect slight wobbles of stars as they respond to tugs from exoplanets' gravity. That tactic, known as the radial velocity method, "has been the most prolific method in the search for exoplanets," according to the European Southern Observatory statement.

    The instrument detects movements as small as 3.5 km/hr (2.1 mph), a slow walking pace, the observatory said.

    With the discovery, the tally of new exoplanets found by HARPS is now at 75, out of about 400 known exoplanets, the organization said, "cementing HARPS's position as the world's foremost exoplanet hunter." The 75 planets are in 30 planetary systems, the European Southern Observatory said.

    "HARPS is a unique, extremely high precision instrument that [is] ideal for discovering alien worlds," Stephane Udry of Geneva University, who made the announcement on behalf of the international consortium that built the instrument, said in the observatory statement. "We have now completed our initial five-year program, which has succeeded well beyond our expectations."
    "We are on the road," Udry told CNN in a phone call from Portugal. "The end of the road is finding life and other planets like our own, but we have to go step by step."

    HARPS has also boosted the discovery of so-called super-Earths -- planets with a mass a few times that of Earth. Of the 28 super-Earths known, HARPS facilitated the discovery of 24, the European Southern Observatory statement said. Most reside in multiplanet systems, with up to five planets per system.

    Although only 32 were announced Monday, the team knows of many more exoplanets, although more observation is needed before they are formally announced and papers are written about them. "We have tons of them," Udry said.

    In return for building HARPS, the consortium was provided 100 observing nights per year over five years to search for exoplanets, one of the most ambitious searches ever implemented on a global basis, the European Southern Observatory said.

    "These observations have given astronomers a great insight into the diversity of planetary system and help us understand how they can form," team member Nuno Santos said in the statement.

    The HARPS findings confirm the predictions of those who study planetary formation, Udry said. "Moreover, those models are also predicting even more ... Earth-type planets."

    An important find for the study of planet formation was that three exoplanets were around stars that are metal-deficient, Udry said. Metal-deficient stars are thought to be less favorable for planet formation; however, planets the size of several Jupiters were found orbiting such deficient stars, the European Southern Observatory said.

    In addition, the discovery gives "a very strong push" to projects attempting to find and study such exoplanets, Udry said.

  42. Assignment # 3

    Maliheh Gorjian


  43. My Blog:

    News Card #3 by Qingfang Wei
    Title: Google to Caption YouTube Videos
    In the first major step toward making millions of videos on YouTube accessible to deaf and hearing-impaired people, Google unveiled new technologies on Thursday that will automatically bring text captions to many videos on the site.
    While the technology can only insert captions on English language speech, Google is giving users the choice to use its automatic translation system to read the captions in 51 languages. Google also introduced a related service that gives anyone who uploads a video to YouTube the option to also upload a text file of the words spoken in the video. Google will turn the text file into captions, automatically matching the spoken words with the files.
    The technology, which Google calls “auto-timing,” will make it easy for anyone to add captions to their videos. In addition to helping people who are deaf or do not speak English, the captions will make it easier for anyone to search text inside videos and find specific snippets within a video.
    Google announced the new features on Thursday at an event in Washington. The company said they would be available by the end of the week.

  44. Homework 3
    news cards
    Ed Lu, the former astronaut and now program manager for advanced products at Google, wants to be clear: Google is not interested in competing with utilities.

    “We are not in the business of providing electric power,” Mr. Lu said in a discussion this morning at the GreenBeat 2009 conference in San Mateo, Calif.The assertion came in response to a line of questioning by the conference organizer, Matt Marshall of VentureBeat, who ticked off Google’s dominance in search, online advertising, and other Internet markets — and its more recent foray
    into cellphone operating systems.

  45. News card, From Google search
    Title-Cellphone app to make maps of noise pollution
    18 November 2009 by Anil Ananthaswamy
    By using computer model, noise maps can be predicted how various sources of noise com,for example in airports and railway stations.
    However, Nicolas Maisonneuve of the Sony Computer Science Laboratory in Paris,France, says that those maps are not clear and accurate. Maisonneuve's team have produed Noise Tube, a downloadable software app which can use in smartphones to moniter noise pollution. Noise Tube can record any sound by phone's microphne,shows the information of the name of street, checks against weather information, and rejects data. That data can be downloaded from Noise Tube website by using Google Earth.

  46. Newscard No.3 by Yuhua Xie
    titile:How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

    Microsoft Windows continues to dominate the PC market with a 90 percent market-share stronghold, but when it comes to smartphones, Microsoft is getting beat up worse than a mustachioed villain in a Jackie Chan movie. Microsoft's biggest problem? One word: iPhone. We saw app development focus on consumer applications like social networking and games.... Particularly with Apple's retail presence and advantages in that market, through design and so forth, that's where Microsoft's main challenge lies."
    Many other technology observers agree that Apple receives credit for sparking the smartphone boom. The 2008 introduction of the App Store enabled third-party developers to sell their own software, further enhancing the capabilities of the iPhone. This proved a workable model, giving 40 million iPhone and iPod Touch owners the ability to choose from the now 100,000 apps in the App Store.
    Meanwhile, some developers earned hundreds of thousands of dollars with hot-selling apps. Even if most developers didn't earn that much cash, the success stories helped make Apple's App Store powerfully attractive.
    Hoddie said that the sad part for Microsoft is that in terms of operating systems, they have a great one, and they had it long before anyone else did, their first problem is the built-in apps are uninspiring, so that sets a very low bar for developers who are coming to the platform.and he added that Microsoft's second problem is segmentation in the hardware ecosystem.
    Windows Mobile ships with several different manufacturers' hardware, including HTC, LG and Samsung. The problem? From a developer perspective, that requires coding an app for several phones with different UI styles, buttons and screen sizes. That would give the iPhone another advantage: The iPhone operates on a closed system, which can only run on Apple hardware, meaning third-party developers can produce apps and games that work exclusively with the iPhone.
    The inability to recognize the new smartphone audience is another one of Microsoft's flaws, Microsoft's mobile OS history is rooted in personal digital assistants, which were marketed toward enterprise audiences. Today, the smartphone has shifted into the mainstream as a consumer device, and yet Windows Mobile is still largely focused on enterprise features.And even in the enterprise market, Apple's iPhone is winning. In a recent customer satisfaction survey conducted by JD Power, Apple grabbed the number 1 spot for smartphones in business. Leaks indicate Microsoft plans to incorporate iPhone-like touch gestures. Windows Mobile 7 is scheduled for a 2010 release.

  47. Nimol Hean

    My Blogspot :
    News card #3

    Title: The World's First Power Heated

    Rip Curl's H-Bomb is the future of cold water surfing. The back of H-Bomb is lined with heating elements comprising carbon fiber coils. The coils are placed at the back sheet. Once the heating elements begin to warm the wearer's body, a warm movement of the blood makes it quite comfortable.


  48. Web Blog Assignment & News Card #3 by Murat Kiymaz

    Web Blog URL:

    News Card #3:

    How safe is your smartphone ? Did you know that your SIM card still has that ex-girlfriend's number ? Or how about that slightly revealing photo of yours taken by your partner ? Can you be sure that it's gone to electronic heaven ? Or is it just patiently waiting on your mini memory card to be looked at by strangers ? Read this article to find out how vulnerable our identities really are !

  49. News Card #3
    Name:Jia Yunn, Chang(Jean)


    As Electric Cars Arrive, Where Will They Plug In?

    This article is basically talking the emerging trend of electrical vehicles on the road in the current years. Still believing that from the probably fewer than 1500 electric vehicles, the potential of growing sales within the next 18 months is said to be excited welcomed by some of the big names in industry including retailers and hamburget joints. As what President Obama suggested that US might have 1 million electric plug-in vehicles by 2015.

    Unlike the wide availaibility for petrol driven car, plugging in the car into electrical charges had seeemed to be a crucial issue in lauching this plug-in car. Nevertheles, solutions were found with the car makers agreed on the basic design of a common five-prong plug for use across the industry. The plug will fit into a car's socket, with the other end fitting into a standard 110-volt or 220-volt outlet. It will become the industry standard by 2011.There are also other challenges awaiting this mass introduction of electric plug in cars, but entrepreneurs can still see the future opportunities that lie within this new technology. Therefore, Fred Standish, a spokesman for Nissan, said that"There is going to have to be a lot of education, because this a major change,". Educating the users of this new technology item seems to the one of the best way for mindset changing and preparing for this big change.

  50. News Card 3:
    Universities plan job losses in response to looming public spending cuts

    Universities plan thousands of job losses to respond to looming public spending cuts and the aftermath of recession. Leeds University is planning "significant" job losses as part of efforts to save around £35m a year from 2010. Union estimates are that up to 700 jobs could go. One hundred posts have already gone at Gloucestershire University, and another 30 are to follow, while the University of Stirling has lost 130, and the London College of Communications (LCC) is closing 16 of the 19 courses offered in a single school, making 37 compulsory redundancies. Birmingham University's sociology department is under threat, just five years after reopening following a previous closure.

    The University and College Union estimates that around 5,000 of its members' jobs are at risk, with 1,300 posts already gone. It expects around 90,000 students to be affected. "The scale of this is unprecedented, certainly in the last two or three decades," says Matt Waddup, UCU's head of campaigns. "The history of university and college education has been one of expansion since the war."

    Waddup says the situation has escalated since the start of the academic year and the result is anxiety among academics and students as they try to anticipate where the axe will fall next. The causes vary among universities. Basra blames the cuts on the university's desire to change its mission and the vision of the institution rather than economic necessity. Waddup suggests that some institutions are using the economic climate as an excuse to restructure the way they operate, while some academics blame a new business culture in universities for putting targets before jobs.
    Certainly, the reasons for the job losses vary across the sector.
    Some institutions have been badly affected by the government's ELQ rule.

    Google previews Chrome open source operating system
    This is a free and open source system, it is initially focused on low-cost netbooks and accommodate many of the features of a traditional program. According to engineers, all applications are designed to run in a web browser and all user’s data is stored on Google’s servers.
    Google has speed test on this system in July this year. Google has been able to boost the speed of system by designing it for specific hardware. The company who use it is able to optimize the code to run as quickly as possible.
    It has memory games, anybody who lost their computer would be able to buy a new machine and easily recover all their data.
    Open source systems allow people to tinker and use the underlying code to build and customize applications. It is normal to publish any modifications to allow other people to take advantage of the changes.

  52. Web blog Assignment:

  53. David Sanderson
    News Card #3
    Death of an inovation that rocked the world?

    The CD a format which was first seen commercialy released in october 1982 and seen to be the obvious replacement for vinyl it seems now finds itself unsure of it's future. C.D player and C.D manufacturer Linn will halt production of their C.D. line in the new year as they see the public have become more focused on the medium of M.P.3's and downloading. Gilad Tiefenbrun the managing director of Linn said "our customers have fast recognised the limitations of C.D. players and now want more and better control of their music and where they can play it". Linn will however continue to produce the turn-table, could this mean that our beloved vinyl will out live it's younger brother the C.D., let's hope so. So could one manufacturers decision to halt their production herald the end of the C.D. well will will just have to wait and see.



  54. News Card #3: Google is tapping into the speech-recognition technology that it uses for its Google Voice call management service to make captions an automatic feature on YouTube.

  55. Assignment#3 , newscard.
    Title==Obama Walks China’s ‘Great Firewall’
    While some American Twitter addicts reacted with real and feigned outrage on Monday to President Obama’s confession, during a forum with Chinese students in Shanghai, that he does not personally update the @BarackObama feed — which more than two million people follow on the social network — observers in China were more interested in what he said next: that he disagrees with China’s censorship of the Internet.

    Here is video of Mr. Obama’s complete reply to a question on Internet restrictions in China that he said “was generated through the Web site of our embassy” and selected by a member of the American press corps:


  56. Blog:

    Newscard: Using Technology to increase Engagement
    An Eportfolio is an individual collection of evidence which improves interest levels. It is not a specific software package. Students are provided the platform to dwell and inquire on different aspects of their learning. A wide variety of items such as videos, pictures etc. can stored here.

  57. Jin Xin (venus):
    Newscard:Google OS: the end of the hard drive?
    Google today unveiled more details of Chrome OS, a lightweight, browser-based operating system for netbooks.

    With a strong focus on speed, the Chrome OS promises nearly instant boot times of about 7 seconds for users to login to their computers.

  58. Homework: Naly

    Sometimes technology can be bad as it eliminates jobs, hinders creativity as kids and adults become lazy and get caught up with the latest gadgets and must haves.

  59. Homework 3 Newscard

    Title: Internet Revolution in Education

    Applying technology's open-source model to education. Sun was an early proponent of open source, giving the concept a huge boost when it opened up its Java software. And McNealy funded and helped promote a project called Curriki to create open-source textbooks that will ultimately be free, via the Internet.
    The idea of some kind of open-source, online, low-cost revolution in education has become a lit fuse, sparking and crackling its way toward an explosion. Here and there, in places ranging from Silicon Valley to Indonesia, a few bold universities and entrepreneurs are taking pokes at the concept. Start-ups such as StraighterLine and Knewton are offering online courses for college credit for hundreds of dollars, compared with thousands of dollars at most universities. Peer2Peer University is gathering buzz as an online, self-organizing, social networking approach to higher education.

  60. here is my blog.

    It is basically the blog about my point of view. I try to share my personal thoughts through words, pictures, and photographs.

  61. News Card #3

    Title: Genetic clue to glioma brain cancer growth
    BBC News|Nov 23 2009

    Scientists have pinpointed a mutated gene as key to the development of some types of glioma brain tumour.

    The mutation leads to hugely increased levels of a chemical in the brain, which seems to feed the cancer.

    The Nature study suggests that detecting higher levels of the chemical could provide doctors with a useful diagnostic tool.

    It also raises hopes that blocking production of the chemical might prevent the cancer getting worse.


    People with particular brain tumours, such as lower-grade gliomas, often carry a mutated version of a gene that controls production of an enzyme called IDH1.

    The latest study, by US firm Agios Pharmaceuticals, shows that these mutations change the way the enzyme works and result in the build-up of high levels of a chemical called 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG) in the brain.

    Researchers found malignant glioma samples with IDH1 mutations had 100 times more 2HG than similar samples from patients without the mutation.

    They said measuring 2HG levels could be used to help identify patients with IDH1 mutant brain tumours.

    Writing in the journal, the researchers said: "This will be important for prognosis as patients with IDH1 mutations live longer than patients with gliomas characterised by other mutations.

    "In addition, patients with lower-grade gliomas may benefit by the therapeutic inhibition of 2HG production.

    "Inhibition of 2HG production by mutant IDH1 might slow or halt conversion of lower-grade glioma into lethal secondary glioblastoma, changing the course of the disease."

    'Exciting new information'

    Professor Lew Cantley, a cancer expert at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, who founded Agios, said it had previously been thought that IDH1 played no role in cancer.

    The Agios team used techniques from an emerging area of research called cancer metabolism, which focuses on studying changes in metabolic activity in cancer cells.

    He said: "What was previously considered an inactive enzyme is in reality an active oncogene and a potential therapeutic target."

    Dr Laura Bell, of the charity Cancer Research UK, said: "This study has brought exciting new information to light which could eventually help doctors understand more about how certain brain tumours are likely to progress - and how best to treat them.

    "But there is still some way to go before this new information could be used to help treat people with cancer."
