Monday, November 2, 2009

Home work 1


  1. Brussels criticises UK on privacy
    In the UK, people accused UK government is not able to protect citizens' privacy by the European Commission.
    UK citizens want government to improve their work to protect the privacy when trials of a controversial ad-serving system were carried out in 2006.
    Trials of the Phorm ad-serving system is against with European law, because it reveals the privacy information.
    Even the Commission consider send government to the European court, however, UK government seem dose not interested in this. They think it has not any problem about the trials of the Phorm ad-serving system at all.

  2. Assignment No 1: Robert McBain
    I found this website which is aimed at teachers and students. There is everything on it fm maths to science and loads more. The URL is

  3. Assignment No 1 Google search: From Robert McBain
    I found this good web site which is aimed at students and teachers. Its one of those sites where you can find anything on it for School work. There is everything from math, social studies, teacher
    resources, games, science activities and lots more. People can even contribute their own materials by sending in their own stuff. The URL is:
    Ok see you all next week!!

  4. Assignment No.1
    Google search: From my own keyword “value” . I found a really inspire website for everyone. This website was created by The Foundation for a Better Life. The goal of this website is to encourage others to do good by using public service campaigns to communicated the values that make a better thing in our societies. You can see many kind of inspire advertising such as print ad, TV spots, billboard and many more. Hope this website can inspires and encourages you to inspire the other especially your students.

    Saharath D.

  5. Hi, have you notice a new change? One of the latest improvement in technology is the invention of smart phone. It was introduced by a German scientist. Unlike the other phone, it can drive a car by itself with human control. So by using it, you are away from car accident.

  6. News Card #1 by Murat Kiymaz

    Title: Internet addresses set for change


    Excerpt: Since its inception as a national missile launch control system nearly 40 years ago (known back then as ARPANET), the Internet has continued to change and evolve. In its earlier iterations, it was mainly composed of static webpages which were almost entirely written in English. With Web 2.0 revolution, came the interactivity, interconnectivity and multimedia orientation.

    And now, the Internet is realising that most of its users reside in countries where English is not the first language and re-evolving to allow domain names (the webpage addresses for us mortals) to be registered in languages other than English. This change is being hailed as the biggest change to the way that the Internet operates, however, whether this operationally-complex procedure creates a more unified world or fragments it into micronets all over the world still remains to be seen.

  7. Assignment 1.Google search
    I have found a very useful website that is about education news from all over the world, and you can see a lot of websites that concern with education. Therefore, by entering this websites can give you all kinds of education news that are very useful for us.

  8. Assignment #1: Performing an Internet search by using an Internet search engine - Murat Kiymaz

    I have searched for powerpoint material on a very useful assessment tool called "Rubrics".

    The url for my search is:

  9. Assignment No.1 Frome: Yuhua Xie
    Google search:I inputed "technology in education",and then I found a useful website for everybody.This website main introduce critical issues about technology in education and sholar's perspective in techology.It's help us better understand this subject.
    The URL is:

  10. Assignment 2 News card

    Egypt seeks ethical mobile users

    Egypt's official telecoms regulatory has been launched a code of ethic for use of mobile phones. The main purpose of a code of ethic is regurating the mobile user’s behavior and respect to the others’ privacy. The mobile users have to avoid this following behavior, anoying conversation, annoying ringtone, sending inappropriate text or picture massage, calling people when they are sleep etc. This ethic code might influences the mobile user to concern more for the others privacy.

    Source of news:
    News post: 12:19 GMT, Thursday, 29 October 2009

    Saharath D.

  11. nescard No.1 by Yuhua Xie
    Title: Social networks and kids: How young is too young?

    A growing number of children log in Facebook and MySpace,or using social-networking sites when they don’t comform the age requirement. Facebook and MySpace require users to be at least 13. But they have no practical way to verify ages, and many young users pretend to be older when signing up.So some scientists worry that pre-adolescent use of the sites, which some therapists have linked to Internet addiction among adults, could be damaging to children's relationships and brains. But many other experts say there's not any solid research to back that up and that most children seem to use social-media sites in moderation, and in positive ways.
    A couple come from Georgia allows kids to use networking sites, but with rules and supervision.Children are too young to can’t control themslves,but use this site is a useful way to communicate with frieds and to collect informations.But many children spent so much time on comupter than they need more parental supervision.

  12. Google research assignment 1:
    I input keyword "technology news"in google , there is a news that"Apple To Reinvent Apple TV...For The Rest Of Us"
    There are some keywords about it, such as"All Things Digital’s Peter Kafka; hobbyists; product company,content available;Three Screens and a Cloud;tablet device;" If you are interested in it ,please see the details.
    The webside address
    is ""

  13. Google research assignment 2:
    I input "Asia food" in the research blank of google, I found a very interesting Asia food channel.If you are interested in Asia food, please check the detail.
    The webside address is ""

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. News Card #1 by Qingfang Wei

    Title: SonyEricsson debuts Android phone


    Handset maker SonyEricsson has unveiled its first phone built around Google's Android operating system.
    The Xperia X10 has an eight megapixel camera, touch screen, GPS and can use apps from the Android Market or SonyEricsson's Play Now Arena. SonyEricsson said it had given the phone's user interface an overhaul to help owners organise their use of sites such as Twitter, Facebook as well as e-mail and other messaging applications. The phone can work with second and third generation mobile networks, including HSPA, as well as wi-fi.
    SonyEricsson said it would be the first of a family of Android-based phones that it will launch over next year.

  16. Assignment #1 Google search by Qingfang Wei
    I found this good website which is aimed at foreign teachers in Thailand. Its one of those sites where you can post a job, find some information about foreign teachers' Visa and insurance, etc.
    The URL is:

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Assignment#1

    I have found a useful website that will make me biside you! In this website, you can conmunicate with other people easily and effectively ,even group dicussion, across dozens of IM platforms,including AIM, Yahoo,MSN, Google talk,Myspace IM, Facebook chat.
    Enjoy it!!
    The RUL is

  19. Assignment 1.

    Google search by Markokee/
    By inputing keywords moretechnology,the URL is http// ready-for-UHD-TV

    Tech news on November 2/2009 by Amy Venorn.

    Got-HDTV? Get ready for UHD-TV. UHD ( Ultra-High Difinition)will replace DvD players with BLUE-ray.
    UHD will come in two resolution levels: 76808*4320 pixels(8k) and 3840*2060 pixels(4k) and provide four to 16 times the resolution of Blue-ray or 1080 high-def "And 22.2 multichannel three-dimesional sound"
    Therefore, in Start's concluded, the market in Europe is expected to hit 5% penetration by 2o21 and then zip up to more than 28% by 2025.

    learn more.

  20. Assignment 1.

    news card 1 by cui mei zhang
    title:ReQlogic Announces General Availability of Version 7
    Tectura Corporation, a worldwide provider of business consulting services, is pleased to announce today the general availability of ReQlogic Version 7. ReQlogic is the leading browser-based solution for procurement, requisitioning, vendor invoicing, expense processing and workflow for Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Dynamics SL. ReQlogic automates the purchasing, vendor invoicing, and expense processing cycles, so users can improve the efficiency and accuracy of these processes and reduce costs.

    ReQlogic Version 7 is a much anticipated product release. With both functional, technology and system enhancements, this robust product release more firmly positions ReQlogic as the leading application of its type that tightly integrates to each of the Microsoft Dynamics ERP solutions.

    Google search :
    According to the keyword "angelica ",i found a nice website about Angelica Herb.any researcher or Medical students can get the knowledge they want to .

  21. JIN XIN(Venus):

    source from:

    News card:
    Title:5 New Technologies That Will Change Everything
    By Glenn Fleishman, PC World

    3-D TV, HTML5, video over Wi-Fi, superfast USB and mobile "augmented reality" will emerge as breakthrough technologies in the next few years.
    While sipping a cup of organically farmed, artisan-brewed tea, I tap on my gigabit-wireless-connected tablet, to pull up a 3-D movie on the razor-thin HDTV hanging on the wall. A media server streams the film via a superspeedy USB connection to a wireless HD transmitter, which then beams it to the TV.
    That actor -- who was he? My augmented-reality contact lenses pick up the unique eye motion I make when I have a query, which I then enter on a virtual keyboard that appears in the space in front of me. Suddenly my field of vision is covered with a Web page showing a list of the actor's movies, along with some embedded video clips.
    The 3.0 revision of USB, dubbed SuperSpeed by the folks who control testing and licensing at the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), is on track to deliver more than 3.2 gigabits per second (gbps) of actual throughput. That transfer rate will make USB 3.0 five to 10 times faster than other standard desktop peripheral standards, except some flavors of DisplayPort and the increasingly out-of-favor eSATA.

    Google search:
    I put the keyword"supply chain management"in google, and find a good webside :
    and the "Wikipedia" also tell the definition at the second link.

  22. Assignment #1:Google Search - David Waswa

    Google is such a powerful engine, look what i found! all your worries about technology and children/education are dealt with here. Just follow the link:

  23. Assignment 1: Sumitra Narula

    News card

    Microsoft Customer Service Joins Twitter

    One of Microsoft’s public relations and customer service strategies in recent times seems to center around the popular messaging service Twitter. Microsoft did include Twitter in the Windows 7 promotion and there are other official Microsoft services and divisions on Twitter that make use of this new way of communicating. One of the latest divisions to join ranks of the Microsoft cohorts at Twitter is the Microsoft Customer Service which have established their own support channel at MicrosoftHelps.
    This gives Windows 7 users another option of contacting the Microsoft Customer Service division. How does it work? A new support request or question can be directed at the Microsoft Support team by sending a message to their official Twitter message.
    The limitations of Twitter make this a less than ideal method of contacting support for questions that require in depth explanation. It can however be a quick and efficient way to get a response for basic or short questions. Questions that have already been answered include hardware problems (network adapter or video card not working), other errors users encountered in the operating system or software related questions.
    The support is currently limited to Windows 7 but Microsoft stated that they are planning to expand the scope of their support over time.
    I think the notion of Microsoft of simply responding to a customer service issue via Twitter is powerful. Eventhough the response will be short it shows that Microsoft is listening to its customers.

    Google search : I searched google using my name as the keyword "Sumitra" and I found a very interesting website that suggest names and even give meanings to more than 100000 names in many different languages. Check it out!!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I found a piece of news in http;\\ By reading this short news, we can know more than two million British soldiers who included in the first world war. Consequently, we are able to search medical data and service history.
    thank you all

  26. I found this website
    In this website,we can find out about health such as I have read a news from this website ,which is 'Foetal heart rate monitor warning',which is the title of news.The British Medical Journal reports that the divices,which pick up the sound of the baby's heartbeat,can give false reassurance.And they can also occure unnecessary anxiety in untrained hands,doctors warn.
    So,using foetal monitors at home are to get the knowledge or experience to use the device effetively and if they are related with the health of the baby,we should seek medical advice.
    'let's check out this website to know news of health.'

  27. From: Richard C. Haugh
    Dated: 06 Nov 2009

    Assignment 1: New Technical Article -
    Marshall, Brain (2009, Nov 06) How Boolean Logic Works, Retrieved Nov 03, 2009 from howstuffworks - Home:

    Synops - Boolean logic simply breaks down an easy to understand (comprehend) lesson on how a computer takes on a humanistic trait of thought, thus allowing a computer to complete tast like: Balance a checkbook, play computer games, or even spell-check a document.

    Assignment 2: Search for any File -
    FEMA (2009, Aug 09) Citizen Corps Highlights FEMA Region IX, Retrieved Nov 06, 2009 from Arizona Department of Homeland Security - Home:

    Synops - Arizona Department of Homeland Security trained 42 students of Supai Villiage in Arizona to recieve CERT (Community Emergancy Response Team) training in order to be able to effectively respond to any State Emergancy and work in conjuction with a variety of Response Agencies like: Red Cross, local Hospitables, FEMA, Arizon State Police, Arizona State Fire Department... CERT training and organization breifing break down included all the North Western states of America know as Region IX which includes Hawaii, Samoa, Guam (CNMI).

    NOTE to fellow students: Any questions, comments, or concerns... Yea, I will get back to you on November 33rd 2009.

  28. Assignment#2 Markokee
    News card.
    Digital statistics
    by---Ulf wolf on October,8/2009 . 10.57 AM.

    Experian Hitwise issues a monthly newsletter with key Internet statistics that cast an interesting light on current traffic trends.

    Google vs. the World

    When it comes to search engines, Google is still the multi-thousand pound gorilla. 70.24% of all searches for the month of August 2009 were made through Google. Yahoo! Search is a distant second with 16.96%, Microsoft's recently revamped and launched search engine Bing came in third with 9.48%, and bringing up the rear with 2.37%.

    Well, more precisely, bringing up the rear are the remaining 56 search engines that between them managed an unimpressive 0.95%.

    Even if Microsoft and Yahoo! Eventually merge, their combined traffic of 26.44% would still only make up a quarter of all searches, and be about one third of Google's.

    I think one of the clearest testaments to Google's supremacy in the field is that here in the U.S. to "google" has now become the verb most commonly used for "search the web."

    Television Destinations

    Another interesting Internet statistic shows which television related sites rules the visiting roost.

    Perhaps surprisingly--or perhaps not--The Weather Channel ranks as the most visited "television" site for the three weeks ending 9/26/09; followed by, ESPN, MSNBC, and Fox News in that order.

    Sixth in this list is, the free television programs video site that recently made news when its owner Comcast (who co-founded with News Corp.) gave signs that they might pull the plug on in the name of eradicating "free content" which competes with Comcast's paid-for programming.

    One step in that direction is Comcast's and Time Warner's recently announced "TV Everywhere" service, which will make cable programming available on the Internet, but only for cable subscribers. Once up and running, this might spell the end for free hulu.

    Filling out the top ten most visited television-related sites are Comcast itself, Yahoo! TV, Fox Sports on MSN, and

  29. If you guys are curious as to what I teach:

    Projects Featured at Education Technology Showcase

    Event on Capitol Hill features projectile t-shirts, earthquake simulator and soccer robot dogs
    Photo of U.s. senators reacting as a launcher propels a t-shirt ceiling-wards.

    Senators Kay Hagan, Harry Reid and Patty Murray react as a launcher propels a t-shirt ceiling-wards.
    Credit and Larger Version

    November 6, 2009

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, as well as Senators Patty Murray, Jeff Bingaman, Kay Hagan and Ted Kaufman, were among the special guests at an Education Technology Showcase held on Capitol Hill on Nov. 4. Representatives Peter Welch and Harry Teague also attended the event, sponsored by the State Education Technology Directors Association (SETDA).

    The day's many hands-on activities included the opportunity to fire a t-shirt into the air through a launcher in an exhibit by the public television program "Design Squad." Visitors could also interact with soccer robot dogs from Spelman College, try out computer assistive technologies for people with disabilities through a University of Washington project, and see a table-top version of a shake table from the University of Nevada-Reno that simulated earthquake activity. The exhibits also included a number of games that fostered learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

    A complete list of projects follows, including the principal investigator (PI) leading the project.

    1. Access Computing. This project designs and develops technologies for individuals with disabilities. Examples include tactile graphics, MobileASL, and Cyber-STEM communities for hearing impaired individuals. PIs: Richard Ladner and Wendy Chisholm, University of Washington.
    2. Advancing Robotics Technology for Societal Impact. This project exposes Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) students to robotics. Examples include building soccer robot dogs and competing in international robotics competitions. PI: Andrew Williams, Spelman College, Georgia.

  30. Mmm... the weather in Boston:

  31. Assignment-2, news card
    Title - Will your next car wake you up when you fall asleep at the wheel?
    by Josh Clark
    07 November 2009.
    Inside this Article

    Unsafety for truck drivers who drive on highway at night because
    they feel tired and become sleepy ;for they have travelled for hours.
    Most truck drivers can drive beyond mid-night time in the condition
    of half-wake and half sleep -may reach their destination quickly.

    The problem posed by snoozing truckers has been examed on how to solve the problem of nodding off behind the wheel ,so these studies have aimed to regulation and new technologies. Afterthat, the federalgovernment and researchers have created some inventions in order to make awake drivers, such as LED lights that is called-"the body's natural clock "- into thinking it's morning and time to wake up [source: ScienceDaily].

    Drowsy Driver Alert Systems
    Volvo has created the Driver Alert system that if the driver is
    sleepy (more on that later), it issues an audible alarm, and an icon
    depicting a cup of coffee flashes on the instrument panel [source:
    Edmunds]. Saab has a similar plan that the company's Driver
    Attention Warning System uses a voice alarm: If a driver is nodding
    off, the car announces "You are tired," followed by "You are
    dangerously tired! Stop as soon as it is safe to do so!" The driver's
    seat also vibrates to wake him or her [source: Forbes Autos].

    The second drowsy driver alert systems will be even more
    high-tech, like emitting air on the back of a dozing driver's
    neck, vibrating steering wheels and automatic steering that can be seen in driver alert systems soon [source: New York Times].

    Moreover, the other system is Saab's onboard computer facial
    recognition software by night cameras to exmanine if you're drowsing or not. If the driver is drowsing, once this system saves him or her authomatically from dangerous situations.

  32. Assignment 1


    I searched on how to be a perfect bf and husband...

    This is 4 all u boys out there ;)

  33. Assignment 2

    News Card

    Are You Getting Scammed by Facebook Games?
    By Belinda Luscombe Friday, Nov. 06, 2009,8599,1935698,00.html?CNN=yes#ixzz0WEmfnaqe

    People play games on social networking websites like facebook in millions and the problem of scams usually occur when these games are played from your mobile phone. These result in certain unwanted payments being billed to your phone. The phone operator usually do not cancel these payments as they are collected from a third party. A lot of effort has been put in to prevent these scams but they will occur if one is not careful. To avoid being scammed, never give out ur phone number and create a password for it because that is automatically subscribing for something. Good Luck and play safe! :)

  34. David Sanderson
    Assignment #1 News card
    "A great tool for times of resession"

    As the present economic climate is pretty bleak companies and organisations are continualy searching for ways to accomodate their drop in budgets. One such tool is the virtual world of online communities. 'Second Life' is one example of a virtual world which is being widly used by many individuals in both a personal and professional capacity. Second life state that more than 1400 organisations including large companies, educational institutions and even government agencies use 'Second Life' to hold meetings and to conduct training. Users may meet online in a variety of environments from auditoriums and collaboration pods to social areas. The tool alows meetings to take place that if conducted in person could be a great strain on both time and financhial resources, meetings can be held accross the globe with very little expenditure in those areas. 'Second Life' are currently working on a tool which will allow companies to hold meetings on their own private networks where 3D avatars may meet and discuss company matters with a higher sense of security. The application of virtual worlds has a great deal of positive aspects which benefit a global community giving movement and opportunity to the most isolated individuals in the most remote parts of our planet.

    Source: tech-news Nov 7 2009

  35. David Sanderson Google search.
    I found a great website for teaching about the solar system to primary years students.
    I searched "interactive solar system"
    The site contains some nice models of the solar system including animations showing each planets orbit around the sun.

  36. From: Lu Ting ^_^

    Assignment 1: Google search

    I searched for "acupuncture in Thailand" from:

    Assignment 2: News card

    Title: Toyota Engineers Two New Flower Species to Offset Manufacturing Carbon

    The process of making automobiles also produce a substance called carbon
    which pollutes our environment and contribute to global warming.
    So Toyota engineers have developed a flower that can absorb twice the
    amount of carbon than other plants thus off-setting its manufacturing
    plants carbon emission and slows down global warming.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Assignment #1: NewsCard
    Amazing Technology from Japan!!
    I have found that Scientists in Japan have made great developments with Bluetooth technology.
    This is the forthcoming computers we can carry within our pockets. The pen-like components work together to produce both the monitor as well as the keyboard on any flat surfaces from where we can carry out functions we would normally do on our desktop computer. This technology could very well be the future of mobile computing.
    At least one component of this, which is virtual laser keyboard, is available for purchase. Here is some information about the virtual Laser Keyboard (VKB). It is a revolutionary accessory which is the only keyboard that operates in total darkness, for Blackberry, Smartphone, PDA, MAC & Tablet PC. In the size of a Zipo lighter and in an outer spaced "enterprise" style, it uses a laser beam to generate a full-size perfectly operating laser keyboard that smoothly connects to any kind of PC and most of the handheld devices (PDA's, tablet PC's).
    The I-Tech Virtual Keyboard uses a light projection of a full-sized computer keyboard on almost any surface. Used with PDA's and Smart Phones, the Virtual Keyboard provides a practical way to do e-mail, word processing and spreadsheet tasks, enabling users to leave laptops and computers at home.
    This technology learns the user's finger movements to interpret and record keystrokes. Because the virtual keyboard is an image projected by light, it disappears completely when we are not in use. When we are using it, the VKB settings can be changed either via laptop, PC or the compatible Smartphone and PDA.
    We can use it in, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA's), Cellular Telephones, Laptops (MAC compatible), Tablet PCs, Space saving Computers, Clean Rooms, Industrial Environments, Test Equipment, Sterile and Medical Environments, Transport (Air, Rail, Automotive)

    By Patricia Thandar

  39. Assignemnt #2!

    I have typed "Dreamweaver:PPT" in the search box in Then I have got Microsoft PowerPoint : Dreamweaver file. It is very useful for me to peapre to teach my students. Here is the link of this file:
    By Patricia Thandar

  40. Mali Gorgian #2

    I have found the news about stone from

    Topic: What are the colors of the precious stones that symbolize every month of the year?
    1- January...........Capricorn... Garnet (red traditionally but other colours exist)
    2-February........Aquarius Amethyst (purple)
    3-March ....Pisces ... Aquamarine (blue)
    4-April....Aries ..Diamond (white,traditionally)
    5- May...Taurus ......Emerald (green)
    6-June...Gemini .......Pearl (white)
    7- July...Cancer ....... Ruby (red)
    8-August...Leo ...... Peridot (green)
    9-September....Virgo ....Sapphire (blue)
    10-October....Libra ... Opal (white/pink/green mix traditionally)
    11-November...Scorpio .... Yellow Topaz (yellow)
    12- Dcember...Sagittarius ...Tanzanite (lilac blue)

  41. Assignment #1:
    Maliheh Gorjian

    I have found power point presentation aboit basic flower structure. you can visit is from below website:,1,Slide 1

  42. ASSIGNMENT #2: NewsCard - David Waswa

    Cars are approaching ‘auto’ pilot mode

    Road accidents claim alot of lives throughout the world everyday. Most of the road carnage is attributed to careless driving.The number of accidents could be reduced significantly if the new breed of prototype automobile that can drive without the help of unreliable humans is launched to the public.
    Ford and other big automobile companies have come up with technology that perform little functions such as parking,Antilock brake systems-which automatically sense when a wheel is skidding and reduce brake pressure,stability control system which keeps the car on course,lane keep assist systems,Adaptive Cruise Control which maintains safe distance from the car infront and that one behind and ofcourse features that help cars steer, accelerate and brake all by themselves.
    The semi auto pilot features mentioned above are being assembled to put a car into a fully auto pilot mode.
    Tests have already been done and the process is now at an advanced stage. If this new technology goes through successfully, then the number of road accidents due to careless driving will be greately reduced or perhaps eliminated.

  43. Assignment 1: Google search

    From keywords"resource guides",I got this website . It provide a useful series of "Resource Guides" in the areas of :Arts and Humanities/Engineering,Mathematics and Computing/Geography and the Environment/Health and Life Sciences/Hospitality,Leisure,Sport and Tourism/Physical Sciences/Social Sciences.

  44. Assignment 2: News card

    It Knows Where You Are, and What You’re Looking For

    Nowadays, there are more and more mobile phones.People can use their cell phones through websites such as Loopt, to search for surrounding businesses and events .They can also use the GPS capability found in many . Cell phone to figure out where a person is or show ads for nearby businesses.

  45. Assignment 1: Google Search

    From the keyword "Music For Young Children", I found this website which is really useful for my music teaching at this moment.

  46. Assignment 2: News Card


    Title: Innovation: Ultimate JukeBox

    It is really interesting and exciting to know that a new era in internet music will be arriving the introduction of a new service called Playdar.It could say to be a brand new way in accessing music from the internet where it's aim is to do this one important thing: "Given the name of a track, find me a way to listen to it right now.

    With the implementation of Playdar, people can easily search for any songs from the libraries and the user can directly listen to the selected songs. This differs from searching in the Google because you only be able to search for the song but you might not be able to listen to the song right away.

    Basically, Playdar serves like a big centre point that pulls all the music sources together into one big jukebox for the pleasure of the listener where it also gives Playdar another obvious character as the Web-wide Jukebox.

    Although the creation of Playdar might seems to be challenging the existing streaming services, but in fact, Playdar's technology might be able to ease their cost pains. This is because, normally when a music has been downloaded via the web services, streaming services will have to pay per-track fees to music companies. Nevertheless, if a particular track is already on the users' hard disk, then through Playdar program, user can play that version right away instead and save the streaming provider money.

    It is really how interesting Playdar can actually help to ease listerners pains when searching and pulling off songs from the Internet although the legality concern has yet to be finalized. This is just how awesome technology can be especially in the area of users' pleasure.

  47. From: Nimol.

      Assignment 1: News Card.
      Title: Smart Switch Design Incorporates Power-Breaker.
      It is about the cute twist of looking like the universal power symbol. It is designed by Yong-jin Kim. When you push in the plug, you depress the central line of the symbol. You can twist the plug 45-degree to the right, when this switch is all in the way, letting the sweet life-giving electrical juice flow into the gadgets circuits. More over, if we compare to the UK's Standard socket, it is a lot more compact and efficient with its rectangular switch at the side of each outlet.

      Assignment 2: Google Search.
      After I typed the key word "weather" I found of this website
      This web site presents the official weather observations, weather forecasts and climatological information.

  48. Assignment 1: Use the "SCHOLAR" function when searching within google

    What is Google Scholar?
    Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. Google Scholar helps you identify the most relevant research across the world of scholarly research.

    You can also refine your search with terms such as year published or subject areas.

    Assignment 2: News Card

    F1 Designer unveils Electric Car

    Three prototypes of the T.27 model will be developed over the next 16 months.

    The manufacturing process, called iStream, has received £9m of investment, half of which came from the government's Technology Strategy Board.

  49. Assignment 1
    News Card
    Microsoft launching health tech video show by Ina Fried
    Microsoft is launching a video show on development in the health care technology on 10th November, lasting 45 minutes. Bill Bronse aims to attract sponsors more than Microsoft by producing a new episode in the health care field.

  50. Assignment 2
    I typed poorest country in the world in google search and I found out the website
    In that website, we can see 10 poorest countries in the world in order and get information and view pictures.

  51. Assignment #1: Google Search
    Kenny Somvongsiri

    I was searching for a timeline of key dates in the history of education, but I came across a site that contains top 10 lists of absolutely everything. At first I thought it was irrevelent then i realized this is an excellent tool for acquiring trivia, concise knowledge and very interesting topics to share in the classroom.

    Assignment #2: News Card
    Found an article about using technology to cheat. No, I was not trying to find a way to cheat. It states that in a survey 17% admit to taking pictures of tests, 25% admit to texting answers to friends, and 57% admit to knowing of friends who cheat. With the huge number of students with cellphones in class, it is a big problem. Also reminds me of a story in the past when cellphones were allowed in the SAT/ACT tests in America. Because the same test was distributed across the country, on the same day, but with 4 different timezones in the USA students who were taking the test on the east coast were sending photos of test questions to students in the other time zones!

  52. Assignment:
    i was put "technology news" in google.i found top technology news headlines .there have very interesting topics,such as "how much would you pay to see your future?"share with class.
    news card:
    CNN) -- Ever wonder what information Google knows about you? With a click or two, now you can find out.

    Google released a feature Thursday that lets users see and control data that the Web giant has collected about them. Called Google Dashboard, the service provides an online summary of a user's Google files -- Gmail, Google Docs, Picasa photos and so on -- by collecting pre-existing privacy controls in one place.

    Dashboard users can review and delete recent Google searches, see recently opened and shared documents and survey their interactions with other Google-powered sites such as YouTube.

    Google, which has come under fire from politicians and privacy advocates for its data-collection practices, announced the service with a blog post headlined, "Transparency, Choice and Control -- now complete with a Dashboard!"

  53. google search
    I put "mandarin" in google book search, it comes out a lot of resources. it helps a lot for me to use them as my teaching resources, such as worksheet, reading profilo and writing guildline.

  54. Assignment 1: Naly Arunkit

    This is a great website for education assessment and tests. You can use for Thesis or Independent Study.

  55. Assignment 2: Naly Arunkit

    “If people develop good tools for learning that are appealing, we should be able to sell them. I wonder if this is not an incredible opportunity for leveraging 3D internet, the virtual world, properly done for learning purposes.”

    Irving Wladawsky-Berger

    Great tools and technology for education website is as follows:

  56. Assignment 2: Naly Arunkit

    Please refer to above

  57. P.J. Clifford
    General Search - Education technology the future (with google) 5 websites.

    ceRebrally in the initial article in 2004, there was banter about the www increasing in size every 90 days whilst the internet doubled yearly. What about now and what does it mean for educators? Time for the U.S. Department of Education's Tech. policy in 2006 which set out a multi-pronged recommendation list. The obvious stuff like better finance and the rollout of broadband access was there; however,interestingly, also creative leadership. A quote: " Our children can't wait, the future is now. We need to be preparing them for a future that few of us can even visualize." Dr. Mark Edwards. Former Sup., Henrico County, VA Public Schools. Cool.

    Tech. Article
    Teaching English with Technology
    Using LAMS Chat and Forum to promote quality conversations by Leanne Cameron
    I had a gander at this. LAMS was used with uni. students to increase engagement levels with class assigned texts. A resounding success. Better understanding of the works was achieved.

  58. NEWSCARD: DAVID WASWA,2933,571968,00.html?sPage=fnc/scitech/cybersecurity

    Ever feared putting sensitive personal information into online data bases? Or even questioned why should Google keep even the information you are not using anymore? Well, now it’s up to you to determine what information you want left in Google data base.
    The answer to the critics who argue that Google collects too much personal data is right here with the new Google Dashboard feature. This page contains all the details of account holders and therefore offers them an opportunity to adjust their privacy setting or even delete the information altogether.

  59. News card:http//

    Nowadays,there are many case-abusing children,kiling people,ect-all around the world.Many things are changing not only good way but also bad way in globle village.
    Now, i want you to read this website what I have found to protect our family and to prohibit those who are trying to damage our environment. Then I want to share you what I have read"Unbelivable menn's arrest on sex charges stun neighbor,co-workers".Five members who are arrested on Tuesday because of being suspious of abusing children sexually.

  60. Naly Arunkit: Technology News

    Google's revised settlement would apply only to books registered with the U.S. copyright office or published in Canada, the United Kingdom or Australia.

    Much of the concern about the settlement has focused on whether it would give Google a monopoly on so-called "orphan works" — out-of-print books that are still protected by copyright but whose writers' whereabouts are unknown.

    If the writers or their heirs don't stake a claim to their works, the original settlement calls for any money made from the sales of their books to go into a pool that eventually would be shared among the authors and publishers who had stepped forward to work with Google.

  61. News Card #1 by John Maccabi

    Title: Internet addresses set for Vygotsky

    As I am in the process of doing a presentation on Spiral Curriculum and I wanted to get some background knowledge in cognitive learning and development. I found this website which has in my opinion a succinct and clear appraisal of Vygotsky, and Piaget, and their overall differences. I found this to be very helpful in understanding the greats in cognitive psychology.

  62. News Card #1
    Title:Europe looks towards robots to care for its elderly
    Katie Scott |26 March 2009 |Categories: Technology
    By 2050, Europe is expected to have more than 80 million people over the age of 65. The Norwegian Government has already begun to investigate how technology could allow people to stay independent for longer, letting them stay in their homes rather than moving into care.

    One simple solution is video consultations, which allow elderly people to speak to doctors without having to leave their home. It also lets people select food and health-related products from a brochure and then scan their codes for online ordering.
    Through the [sensor] technique, we can make environments intelligent. Using hidden sensors, the system monitors the daily routine of the occupants. Risks can be detected and it is possible to access whether the situation appears to be deteriorating, or most importantly, whether an emergency exists.

    Another system is an "assistive bathroom environment", which includes a toilet that recognizes the user and adjusts itself to a suitable height automatically. It will even monitor the amount of toothpaste being used by the occupant and help people with memory problems by displaying illuminated pictograms in the mirror indicating what comes next in the daily ablutions.

    Outside Europe, Japan has unveiled a mobility robot in 2007, which was designed to operate in places traditional wheelchairs cannot, such as staircases. More exciting is the violin-playing robot that could be applied to handling tools and provide assistance with nursing and medical care as well as domestic duties.

    However, the challenge in Norway is not implementing the technology, but gaining social acceptance of using robots. Through new technological devices people might be able to care for their relatives at a distance, monitoring their whereabouts and health. Computers can help older people not to forget to take their medications and link them to good neighbor schemes. However, all these systems need to act as a link to people rather than replacements for contact with human beings.

  63. New Card #1
    Title: It's a question of the Creator's Choice

    For me, the burning issue - and this is equally relevant to newspapers, games, TV, film makers, authors and software manufacturers as it is to music - is how creative individuals can commercially reconcile their activities both online and offline.

    Both are vital. Most artists need to sell CDs and downloads, they need to play live, their music needs to be distributed to a huge variety of digital stores, they need a web presence, they need to be played on radio and they need to be marketed to 'traditional' media. And on and on.

    They also need time and space to create.

    This is a balancing act.

    Ideally, the emerging digital market can complement existing incomes, which in a lot of cases are meagre enough, and not completely displace them. As seen with the likes of Spotify and We7, the music business is working with tech companies to develop sustainable music 'businesses' (as opposed to unsustainable music 'services') that incentivise creator and fan alike, as well as everybody in between. Like the other IP-based businesses above, music must continually evolve and respond to customer demand.

    Of course, some artists are doing pretty well in reconciling online and offline activities - witness the growing list of 'heritage' acts reconnecting on comeback tours with their old fanbase - but it's an awful lot of balls to keep juggling, particularly for an emerging artist.

    Creativity is not confined to an online vacuum. Most songwriters, composers, artists and musicians don't make distinctions as to where their creative labours will be heard and enjoyed. They don't care if it's on download or vinyl, via terrestrial radio or online stream. They simply create. (Although most like to get paid and have a keen interest in how their music is presented.)

    Copyright allows this. It encourages creativity and offers the creator freedom of choice. (Want to sign to a music company? Strike a sponsorship deal with a brand? Give your music away for free? Copyright gives you the option...)

    It also offers the creator a degree of moral rights as to how their work is used.

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  65. I typed "creative teaching" for google search and I found this website containing information and models for creative teaching.

  66. News Card#1

    Title: Proven Method Available To Significantly Reduce Energy Consumption In Street Lighting
    Staff Writers|Troy NY (SPX)|Nov 10, 2009

    Experts at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Lighting Research Center (LRC) estimate that about half of the approximately 13 million streetlights in America have the opportunity to significantly reduce energy consumption
    by as much as 50 percent, translating to an annual savings of 1 billion kWh, and a reduction in power plant CO2 emissions of 546,000 tons per year.

    LRC researchers demonstrated in multiple field tests that, by using what they describe as a Unified System of Photometry, a street lighting system can be designed to reduce energy use while maintaining or improving perceptions of visibility, safety, and security.

    "In nighttime conditions, the human eye is more sensitive to short-wavelength light, which produces 'cool' tones like blue or green, as opposed to long-wavelength light, which produces 'warm' tones like yellow and red," said LRC Director of Energy Programs Peter Morante.

    "By replacing traditional, yellowish high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights with 'cool' white light sources, such as induction, fluorescent, ceramic metal halide, or LEDs, we can actually reduce the amount of electric power used for lighting while maintaining or even improving visibility in nighttime conditions."

    The eye has two types of visual receptors in the retina, cones and rods. The current system of photometry-the measurement of visible light in terms of human perception for certain activities like reading and seeing fine details-is based on how some cones respond to different wavelengths.

    Cones are the dominant visual receptor under photopic (daylight) lighting conditions. Rods function primarily under very dim conditions.

    According to Morante, it is necessary to redefine the luminous efficacy functions needed for nighttime applications where electric lighting is used and both rods and cones contribute to vision. The LRC's Unified System of Photometry was designed to characterize light at any level, including the mesopic level where both rods and cones operate.

    LRC field demonstration results from the past few years in rural and suburban areas of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Texas verified that by implementing the Unified System of Photometry the street lighting system consumed 30 to 50 percent less electric power and the residents believed they could see better and said they felt safer, when compared to lighting systems designed using the traditional system of photometry.

    The Unified System of Photometry provides an objective method for optimizing light source spectra for minimal energy use while maintaining good visibility, according to the LRC researcher team.

    There is now renewed interest in the research, according to Morante, as an increasing number of cities and towns across the country are examining ways to save energy either through a reduction or a change in outdoor lighting. And the interest seems to be spreading.

    According to LRC Director Mark Rea, Ph.D., researchers around the world are also concluding that the current system of photometry could use some updating to better characterize light source performance under nighttime conditions.

    The International Commission on Illumination, also known as the CIE from its French title, the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, will be releasing its own form of unified photometry for outdoor lighting, explained Rea, a long-standing CIE member.

    In the LRC field studies, the mesopic street lighting system met all utility requirements and, in addition to significant reductions in energy consumption, was preferred by residents over the yellow-appearing HPS system.

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