Monday, November 9, 2009

Home work 2


  1. NewsCard 2 : Sumitra 5219405

    Worm attack bites at Apple iPhone

    The worm changes the wallpaper of the phone
    The first worm to infect the Apple iPhone has been discovered spreading "in the wild" in Australia.

    The self-propagating program changes the phone's wallpaper to a picture of 80s singer Rick Astley with the message "ikee is never going to give you up".

    The worm, known as ikee, only affects "jail-broken" phones, where a user has removed Apple's protection mechanisms to allow the phone to run any software.

    Phone users may rush into jail-breaking their iPhones in order to add functionality that Apple may have denied to them, but if they do so carelessly they may also risk their iPhone becoming the target of a hacker

    The worm can be removed by changing the phone's password and deleting some files.

    Some estimates suggest that up to 10% of all iPhones and iPod Touch are jail-broken.

  2. News Card #2 by Murat Kiymaz

    Title: Smart spectacles aid translation


    Want to learn French, but worried about its complicated grammar ? Love to be fluent in Japanese, however don't have the time ? Or are your Swahili classes not going very well ? Fret no more ! Tele Scouter will soon be able to help get rid of the language barrier that has been plaguing humanity forever.

    Originally developed as a device to assist salespeople, Tele Scouter is capable of picking up a live conversation between speakers of different languages and provide simultaneous translation services. It does this by converting speech into text which it processes in translation software and then converts it back into speech in the language of the device's user. It can even beam subtitles to a conversation on the user's retina via a tiny camera.

    Even though it will lack the translation feature on its launch in Japan in November 2010, I am confident that developers will recognise its potential to make our world even smaller than before.

  3. Hello Dr. Supit,

    I cannot submit my completed powerpoint from Monday's class because your inbox is full!

  4. assignment 2 news card
    A child porn-planting virus: Threat or bad defense?

    There is some concern that malware can plant illegal child porn on innocent people's computers, but experts say that, while possible, it's not very likely.
    Do you want to know the details? Please check the webside of news as above address.

  5. News card # 2

    Title : Live UK football for iPhone user
    Very interesting news!!!

    iPhone User can watch live sport on Sky Sport and ESPN as well as Sky News over a wi-fi connection , only for only 6 pound a month.Besides the Premier league, user can also watch other sports likes golf, cricket, etc.BSkyB, which is 39% owned by Rupert Murdoch's news crop,have been launching applications for news and sports to try to spend its reach on mobile devices.
    And sky mobile TV, the latest application is free to download.Other users have been able to watch Sky Mobile TV on other mobile phone over the 3G network from severer mobile phone copanies.

  6. Homework 2
    I would like to tell you about some news from

    Microsoft said that it is merging its video search efforts with its MSN Video site into a new page that will bear the Bing moniker.
    It includes both video search and content from sites such as Hulu,Youtube and CBS.Microsoft notes that video is now a mainstay of the redesigned MSN home page and says MSN will continue to create original programming, such as its "Last Night on TV" effort.The branding remains a challenge though, as evidenced by a video from Microsoft's Rob Bennett talking about the changes. The video takes a user to the new Bing Video site.Microsoft is making the new Bing Videw page as part of a fall refresh of its search site. Earlier on Tuesday, Microsoft made some enhancements to Bing Maps, including the ability to use the mouse to alter a suggested route and have one's directions re-calculated.

    The company said to expect more announcements later this week.
    Thank you all

  7. Assignment #2. by Markokee
    Title--Chicago Welcomes New Music Seminar

    ......Gibson Guitar, the world’s premier musical instrument manufacturer and leader in music technology announced its support of the inaugural New Music Seminar, coming to Chicago on Tuesday, October 6th, 2009.

    On October 6th at the Park West , the New Music Seminar will announce the dawn of a new music business and offer practical, straightforward, cutting edge solutions for musicians trying to make it in these challenging times. This one-day educational and networking event for artists, managers, music labels, and others in the music business, will reveal the secrets of the emerging new music business; its new mindset and new opportunities, as well as provide tools and examples of how to achieve success in the new era. The conference will kick off with Yahoo! Music head Michael Spiegelman as its Keynote Speaker, followed by four educational seminars on how to combine new and old methods with technology for career success.

    -- To get more information,( together with pictures) Gibsom .com is completely illustrated.

  8. News Card #2 by Qingfang Wei
    Title: Google goes forward with Go language
    I read a new about Google. Google said it was putting into the open source realm an experimental programming language called Go, which attempts to combine the development speed of a dynamic language like Python with the performance and safety of a compiled language like C or C++.
    In experiments conducted with Go so far, typical builds feel instantaneous and large binaries compile in a few seconds, according to a posting by "The Go Team" on the Google open source blog. Compiled code runs close to the speed of speed of C.

  9. From Robert McBain

    DECADES after armed conflicts end, land mines continue to maim and kill thousands of innocent civilians. Today,79 countries are plagued by mines buried under thousands of square kilometers of land, and most of these countries possess limited resources to remove them. The use of metal detectors and the manual prodding of soil remain the most trusted demining techniques, but they are hindered by false positives and are time-consuming, costly, and dangerous. In fact, for every 1,000 to 2,000 mines cleared using conventional techniques, one deminer is killed or maimed.

    A safer method that would reduce the number of false positives and the time and cost of demining operations has long been needed. To meet this need, a team of Lawrence Livermore engineers led by Christine Paulson and Kique Romero, together with colleagues at First Alliance Technologies, LLC, in San Ramon, California, and Hystar Aerospace Corporation in Vancouver, Canada, has developed the land mine locator. The developers received an R&D 100 Award for this innovative technology. Initial work was funded by Livermore’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program.

    The land mine locator is an aerial detection system. The system is equipped with Livermore’s LANDMARC (land mine detection advanced radar concept), which features an ultrawideband radar-sensing technology called iRadar and tomographic algorithms that provide three-dimensional subsurface images. LANDMARC is deployed on the remotely operated Hystar aerial platform, thereby reducing the time and cost of demining while significantly improving the safety of personnel and equipment.Site URL

  10. News Card #2

    Secrets of the data bunker

    A former mine in Wiltshire once equipped as a cold war government retreat has become one of the world's greenest server farms.

  11. Assignment II

    Microsoft to schools: Share a PC
    November 12, 2009 12:30 PM PST

    Microsoft is working on a new product which will be out in the market by 2010. The new product is being dubbed Windows Multipoint Server 2010. This product will enable multiple students to work at the same time on one computer. Each student will have their own mouse, keyboard and screen and be able to work independently on thier own applications. This is possible with the use of the new version of Microsoft's Windows Server operating system.

  12. Newscard No.2 by Yuhua Xie
    title:New PC to encourage older users

    A new PC called SimplicITy,it has just six bottons directing users to basic tasks such as e-mail and chat.It’s made special for people aged over 60. According to government figures that more than 6 million people over the age of 65 have never used the internet.But now,we can made-to-orde and takes two weeks from request to delivery and can be ordered by post.
    The SimplicITy computer has no log-in screen when started up, and contains no drop-down menus.
    It opens straight to a front page called "square one" containing separate clickable buttons for e-mail, browsing the web, files (for storing word documents and photos etc), online chat and a user profile. The e-mail system is a modified version of an Italian design called Eldy.
    All SimplicITy users with an address will be able to chat to each other via the "chat" button. The computer is built using Linux operating system, a free operating system that can be customised by users. If people decide they no longer need the SimplicITy desktop, they can replace it with a standard Linux desktop.It’s very convenient for the old people

  13. new card by wanhong zhang:
    title:The reality of flying cars

    These six designs might soon help you soar over traffic jams.From Santa Claus' sleigh to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, flying contraptions with the convenience of the personal automobile have long filled our fantasies, according John Brown, editor of, a Web database of flying cars. That fantasy, he predicted, will become a reality in the form of an "everyday practical flying car" within the next five years.

    To date, nearly 1,500 flying car designs have at one point or another been worked on and 152 cars have actually flown, Brown said. Every major aerospace and auto manufacturer, from Boeing to BMW, are among the serious tinkerers.

    The problem is that "nobody has come up with anything elegant enough, yet" to satisfy consumers, he added. But they're getting close. Click the "Next" arrow above to check out six designs that might someday soon send you soaring over traffic jams.

  14. Title: Head-mounted microscope sees brain beneath the skull
    Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany developed a small microscope that can be mounted on an animal's head. It offered a front-row view of how its brain processes visual and other stimuli on the move. A laser inside the device scans the activity of neurons through a tiny hole in the skull, made prior to the experiment under anesthetic which has traditionally meant the condition of having sensation (including the feeling of pain) blocked or temporarily taken away.
    When the microscope was attached to freely moving rats, it produced images of brain cells that had been labeled with a fluorescent dye. This technique is much less invasive, revealing brain activity in animals that are moving and interacting with their environment in a more natural way, than the previous methods which require restraining animals and inserting electrodes
    Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0903680106
    By Patricia Thandar

  15. News Card #2 by lu ting. 5219428

    Title: Companies making fuel from algae

    As the world's hunger for energy continues & reserves of our existing & conventional energy source (gas & oil) declining, companies are starting to research whether biofuel can be made from algae since algae is abundant & easy to grow. Unlike developing biofuels from palm trees or cron, which involve cutting down theplant, one company is trying to harvest biofuels from algae without killing or harming the creatures. However growing the algae still require large amount of water & there are risks of contaminating local ecosystems. At this moment biofuel from algae is exepnsive to produce (> $8 per gallon). One company aims to reduce the cost of algae biofuel to about $. 0.85 per gallon, making it more viable.


  16. Assigment 2
    by zhang cui mei
    Google Voice acquires VoIP purveyor Gizmo5
    Since its inception, Google Voice has offered a wide range of features for managing your phone calls, with one glaring exception: calls passing through Google Voice have to be directed to another phone number if you actually want to answer them. This gap may now have been closed with Thursday's announcement that Google is acquiring Gizmo5, also known as the Gizmo Project.

    As currently implemented, Google Voice in conjunction with Gizmo allows you to place unlimited free calls to the United States and Canada (and cheap rates elsewhere), but requires you to maintain two separate accounts. Launch the Gizmo software on your Mac to log into your Gizmo account, then fire up your browser to log into Google Voice; calls placed in Google Voice can be redirected to ring your Gizmo account before connecting to the person you're calling. If this sounds unwieldy, it's simpler in practice—but the Google acquisition could mean that it will shortly become even easier.

  17. News card #2 : Nimol Hean

    Title : Intel debuts text reader for the blind

    The Intel Reader is a tool that helps people who have the problem with low-vision, blindness, or other reading-based disabilities to get success in school, work and life. It is a handheld text-to-speech device that can read any printed text aloud. The process of it is that the Atom-powered device used a high-resolution camera to capture images of any printed text then it converts into digital format to read out loud. It is really useful for the people who are blind or have difficulties seeing or reading.

    Source :

  18. Ms.Hnin Ei Ei Phyu, ID.5229612
    From Google , new technology news,
    Contact lenses to get built-in virtual graphics Babak Parviz at the University of Washington, produces the idea of projecting images into the eye from a contact lens that is a prototype device which can show information appeared from a mobile device. But it has limitations that its current head –up display is limited field of view.
    His expectation is to make effective images that show in front of the user perhaps 50cm to 1m. His research also includes both nanoscale and microscale electronic devices.
    Pariviz also has plan for future version that is to be able to harvest power from users’ cell phone, may be as it beams data to the lens and also have more pixels and an array of microlenses to focus the image in order to appear in front of the wearer’s eyes.

    Mark Billinghurst, director of the Human Interface Technology Laboratory, in Christchurch, New Zealand, is impressed with the work. The University of Washington team will present their prototype at the Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCas 2009) conference at Beijing later this month.

  19. This is some of the things that I'm teaching to my M.4 students.

    Apple v Adobe Flash problem leads CS 5 to RIM
    Tue, 11/10/2009 - 6:27am — Jonny Evans

    Apple’s seeming refusal to enable Flash on the iPhone has Adobe seeking other avenues, which has now moved to hint at BlackBerry support in a future version of its Creative Suite product.

    In a sense that’s nothing new, Adobe’s plans to extend its brand into the mobile market where part of the paradigm when the company took over Macromedia, which was actively engaged in developing content creation systems for mobile devices. Now you can output for various platforms from within Adobe creative apps.

    With the iPhone as a Flash roadblock, no surprise then that Research In Motion (RIM) along with Adobe Systems have announced an expanded partnership in which the two companies will bring new software development tools to BlackBerry mobile application developers as part of Adobe's Creative Suite 5 (CS5).

    These tools will include new utilities that allow designers to create various graphics, such as images and video, using a number of popular Adobe tools, including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects, for use in BlackBerry apps.

    The companies will also enable Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Adobe Device Central software to support the creation and vetting of BlackBerry Widgets. They showed the solutions during the BlackBerry Developer Conference keynote address.

    It’s an interesting development subsequent to Adobe’s recent move to call Apple out for not permitting Flash Player on the iPhone. When iPhone users attempt to visit a Flash site they are now led to a message page which tells them Flash Player doesn’t work on an iPhone and clearly blames Apple for restricting technologies used by Flash from working on an iPhone.

    In October, Adobe demonstrated Flash Player 10.1 for smartphones, which it is making available to Windows Mobile, Palm webOS and desktop systems including Windows, Macintosh and Linux later this year. Public betas for Google Android and Symbian OS are expected to be available in early 2010.

    The company also intends software for Flash developers which will export their Flash content in a non-Flash format for use on an iPhone.

    Apple CEO Steve Jobs last year famously slammed Flash at the time for being too slow performing for the iPhone. Adobe has since approved its product for ARM Cortex A8 processors, but Apple remains reticent to play.

  20. News Card #2

    Name: Jia Yunn, Chang (Jean)

    Title: Facebook Status Update Provides Alibi

    This is not a technical type of technology news, but this article really caught my eyes this time because of the word "Facebook". I am a huge "Facebook" fan myself. I always thought these types of social network applications are only for our pleasure or as a tool to search for relevant information. Nevertheless, when I came across the title of this news, I realized the innovation and development of technology does really impact people's life directly or indirectly.

    This is an article talking about how a simple Facebook status update turned into much more: a rock-solid alibi after 19-year-old Rodney Bradford was accused of a crime. At the time of the accused crime, Bradford was updating a Facebook status at his father's house. If you are familiar with Facebook interfaces, you will know that each time you update anything on the profile, it will then be updated with the exact time. To cut the story short, Bradford was freed after the arrest because the time he was updating Facebook was the time when the crime was happening down the road. Could I say that he was saved by the intelligence of "technology"?

    Although the Facebook officials said that they are very pleased that they were able served as a constructive part in the judicial process, issues of personal privacy was brought up to the surface.This is because they were arguing that due to the advancement in technology, Facebook status updates might be a set up using the technology intelligence.

  21. News card:http//

    Nowadays, there are many case- abusing chilren, killing people and ect.-all around the world. Many thingss are changing not only good way but also bad way in globle village.
    Now, I want you to read this website what I have found to protect our family and to prohibit those who are tryin to damage our environmebt. Then I want to shae you what I have read" Unbelievable men's arrest on sex cgarges stun neighbor, co-workers".Five members who are arrested on Tuesday because of being suspicious of abusing children sexually

  22. News Card #2 by Jingji

    Title: The Home Office says it will push ahead with plans to ask

    The Home Office wants to change the law to compel communication service providers to collect and retain records of communications from a wider range of internet sources, from social networks through to chatrooms and unorthodox methods, such as within online games. But Ministers opposes this, they don't want to create a single government-owned database and only intend to ask CSPs to hold a record of a contact, rather than the actual contents of what was said. There is no evidence for the proposal must be available to demonstrate that such a step change is necessary and proportionate.

  23. News Card # 2 Robert McBain
    The education services and technology company Pearson today announced its Interactive Science middle school program.Available for purchase in January 2010, Interactive Science enables middle school students to read, write, draw, graph and self-assess, while the online learning environment,, engages them with videos, virtual labs, research opportunities and more. Each lesson opens with a Planet Diary feature where students read about a specific problem, issue, factoid, real-life event, or misconception and then blog about their reactions to one or two open-ended questions about the example.
    Featuring best practices in science instruction and aligned to NSTA standards, Interactive Science utilizes Dr. Grant Wiggins’ Understanding by Design model and focuses on interactive, visual, and differentiated learning strategies to help teachers provide personalized learning for all students.Visual cues throughout the text help struggling readers and English Learners to better understand core science concepts, and integrated print and digital formative self-assessments keep students on track throughout the school year. When students need extra help, they can access MyScienceCoach, an online interactive tool that brings students up to speed with additional activities, links to external websites that support key science topics and educational content passages, which cover chapter topics and can be set to their individual Lexile reading levels.
    To view the Interactive Science digital path in action, visit
    For more information about the program, visit
    Taken from site:

  24. News paper card 2 Jinxin(Venus)
    5 tips for fixing your Facebook page
    from this website:
    It looks simple, but very useful to find the 5 tips
    More friends means more people to spam up your news feed with links, photos and update boxes from the applications they use. Sure, you're happy to be in touch with Aunt Ethel -- but do you really need to know who she just murdered in Mafia Wars or which member of the House Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials she is?
    A spokeswoman told CNN the site chooses the 250 based on several factors, including who the user interacts with the most. "This 250 default limit is an attempt to show users engaging content without overwhelming them with updates from people they don't interact with on a daily basis," she said.

    But the good news is that Facebook makes it possible to change just about all of those settings, and to do some basic retooling to increase privacy and get rid of annoyances.

    In the attached tutorial, we outline a few fixes that will help you customize your Facebook page and improve your social-networking experience.

    More detail can be seen on the website

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. News Card #2 by John

    Title:Human v2.0 (Mind Uploading and Radical Life Extension)


    First broadcast on 24 October 2006, BBC Science and Nature

    Some scientists claim we are on the verge of creating a new type of human - a human version 2. It's predicted that by 2029 computer intelligence will equal the power of the human brain. Some believe this will revolutionize humanity - we will be able to download our minds to computers allowing humans to interface with computers and thereby extending our lives indefinitely and cheating death itself. Biology and technology will transform the notion of what it is to be human – redefining who we are and what we are in the very near future.
    What is driving this possibility with all its hope and fear potential in it is that computers will soon equal the complexity and power of the human brain. This moment when it arrives has a name – it is called the singularity. Fuelled by a wish to understand the mechanics of the mind it has led to many extraordinary and controversial experiments in technology, biology and in the area of neuroscience.
    It is believed that humans will have mastered human intelligence within the next 25 years so that we will have both the software and the hardware to recreate human intelligence in a machine. It is predicted that computers will reach the power of the human brain around the same time that humans will understand the human mind fully. It is this combination of events that will lead to the singularity. Humans will integrate with the new computers that will a billion times smarter that humans and thereby enhancing human potential.
    The technology that has already been used to decode the thoughts of a monkey has already begun to appear in humans. One example is of a young man that was left paralyzed from the neck down by a car accident. As a result, Eric Ramsey can feel and hear everything but has no ability to speak or move his body. In comparison to a computer he can feel and hear all inputs but has no capability to give any outputs though his brain remains intact. It is called locked in syndrome.
    At the centre of breakthrough technology, Eric is going through experiment therapy in neuroscience and technology. By hooking his mind up with a computer using electrodes in his brain it is expected his brain will send signals to a computer enabling Eric to speak again. As Eric thinks a sound his brain waves are transmitted to a computer and turned into an actual sound.
    Having dramatic technologies combined with the acceleration of biology and biotechnology we will eventually be able to decode the entire human brain. In neuroscience there exists what is termed the ‘Holy Grail’ which is to find out the secret code of what the human brain does. How does it convert a physical world into an electrical world? And the secret is to find the program. This is done by mapping the brain neurons and thereby creating a simulation of a part of the brain.
    One way to achieve this is by taking a part of a rat’s brain which is also found in humans and copying it cell by cell. The goal is to record the neurons to find out the micro circuitry of this region. By destroying these neurons individually they release in their moment of destruction the tiny electrical signal or neuron’s output by which they communicate with one another. As each neuron or cell is recorded it is then sent to what is a virtual brain – a super computer. Once the neurons have been recorded the simulation will be turned on at which point the mind will be unraveled.

  27. News Card #2
    David Sanderson

    "Tetris can alter the structure of the brain"

    In a recent study, funded by the publishers of the game Tetris and authoured by investigators at the Mind Research Network, it has been claimed that playing the game Tetris can have a visible effect upon the brain.
    Playing the game, they claim, has two distinctive effects on the brain. Some areas of the brain they say showed greater efficiency and in different areas they say there is evidence of a thicker cortex (meaning more grey matter).
    The scientists who carried out the study say that focusing on a "challenging visuospatial task" like a videogame can actually alter the structure of the brain, not just increase brain activity.
    Dr Richard Haier a researcher on the project says that this "demonstrates that a player of Tetris does see lasting effects that generalise to other activities" showing for example that engaging in activities like playing some games might help fight off the mental decline that occurs with ageing.

    Source: WWW.WIRED.CO.UK

  28. Newscard 2
    Source of news

    Page last updated at 07:31 GMT, Monday, 16 November 2009

    Egypt launches Arabic web domain

    The first world Arabic language internet domain will be occure by Egypt.
    The new domain name is .masr written in Arabic alphabets anb translate in to .Egypt.
    The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was began last mont in Egypt and will be anounce on Monday. You can begin to work at midnight (2200 GMT) with the .masr.
    The new domain can influence a lot of advantage such as new avenues for innovation, investment and growth in Arab society. There are 15 million internet users from total population of 80 million in Egypt. But international rights groups has concern about the strickly government censorghip in Egypt, with several bloggers and political dissidents being arrested for “security reasons”. Without Borders group surprised that choice of Egypt as venue for IGF because it likes to opently hostile to internet users had been assigned its organization. This forum is organize by UN.


  29. News Card 2:

    IBM launches private business analytics cloud by Larry Dignan
    IBM is expected to reveal Blue Insight, a massive business analytics cloud that will hold more than a petabyte of data. That internal cloud computing environment will be the basis for the future external services. It gives 200,000 employees access to key corporate data around the world. It will suck in data from 100 data different stores and warehouses. The data will then be dished out to salespeople and developers. IBM said it will add structured and unstuctured data to Blue Insight. Some of this data will include revenue forecasts and sales quotas, product breakdowns, queries from real time data and inventory levels and defects.;posts

  30. Newscard #2 (Sorry it's late)

    Twitter Analysis

    Micro-blogging has blown up. It's replaced regular blogging to some extent. At the head of this move is the website Twitter. In essence it's like text message style blog, with regular updating from anywhere, not just the comp. Most people "tweet" from their mobiles. With over 70 million users and many noted celebrities using twitter, it has become huge. Analysis believe it is work more than 500 million US dollars with revenue of 130 million per year. It's a good thing to use!

  31. newscard

    Innovation and ICT
    Malaysia is planning to increase the use of ICT which will act as the foundation for an innovative economy. They hope that it will increase their level of human capital development. Authorities will work closely with Microsoft. The main aim is to change from being a resource-based economy to an innovative society.

  32. News Card # 2

    Google's Legal Case Break against Rossetta Stone
    Some companies are up in arms over a controversial Google (GOOG) advertising program, but they may have a hard time winning their battle in court, legal experts say.

    Rosetta Stone (RST), purveyor of language education products, is the latest company to sue Google over its strategy of letting companies use competitors' trademarks in their marketing campaigns.

    At issue is Google's AdWords, which shows text ads just to the right of Web search results on a Google page. To get their products and brands to appear, companies "bid" on keywords that trigger certain ads when they're used in a search query. For instance, a mobile-phone manufacturer may pay for its ads to appear whenever someone searches for the term "cell phone" or uses "wireless" as part of a search.

    Echoing the objections made in roughly eight other pending U.S. suits, Rosetta Stone says Google is impermissibly selling Rosetta Stone's name to competitors. Detailing its allegations in a 37-page complaint filed in federal district court in Virginia on July 10, Rosetta Stone wants the court to bar Google from doing this.

  33. News Card #2

    Title: Human fear-smelling device could help spot terrorists
    London (ANI)|November 10 2009

    Scientists from City University London have developed what they call "fear detector" that can smell human fear.

    The device depends upon recognising a pheromone - or scent signal - produced in sweat of a scared person.

    The researchers hope that the novel equipment would make it possible to identify individuals at checkpoints who are up to no good.errorists with murder in mind, drug smugglers, or criminals on the run are likely to be very fearful of being discovered. However, calm they might appear on the surface, their bodies could give them away.

    "The challenge lies in the characterisation and identification of the specific chemical that gives away the signature of human fear, especially the fear in relation to criminal acts," the Telegraph quoted Professor Tong Tun, the team leader, as telling The Engineer magazine.

    Although the research is at an early stage, the researchers' aim is to develop a prototype device in the next two to three years.

    They will look at the obstacles to reliable detection such as the effects of perfume, and natural differences between individuals.

    US scientists had earlier provided evidence that smell of fear is real. They had studied the underarm secretions of 20 terrified novice skydivers.

    The researchers also found that people appear to respond unconsciously to the sweat smell of a frightened person.uring the study, researchers put absorbent pads under the armpits to soak up sweat from the skydivers.

    The other volunteers were not told the true nature of the experiment, and asked them to sniff the samples through a nebuliser.

    The brain scans showed that the scent of sweat from the scared skydivers triggered a heightened response in brain regions associated with fear. (ANI)
