Monday, December 21, 2009

Home Work 7

Please post the short statements of those 9 sections on Analyse-it tutorials


  1. Andrew Charles Forster - #5219413
    NEWS CARD # 8

    HOW quickly can people use online social networks to solve a problem of national scope? On Saturday US defence boffins aimed to find out.

  2. News cards#8

    title:How to Get a Little Privacy on Facebook

    Facebook's latest privacy revamp has changed some of the options available to users. It's offered more specific levels of privacy for some content, though it also may have led some users to select settings they didn't necessarily want. Here's a guide to Facebook's new privacy settings, what they mean, and how to activate them


  3. News Card #7
    More Bionic News.
    The first in bionic fingers have recently been showcased, costing in the area of 35,000-45,000 pounds sterling, they are controlled directly by the brain and require no surgery. The prototypes allow recipients to grip a glass to drink, to hold a knife and fork they also allow the user to write. Truly a great step forward for people with badly damaged fingers and hands, and also those people born without fingers. The partial hand amputee population is estimated at around 52,000 in the EU and 1.2 million worldwide. The Pro-Digits provide a powered device with a grip and they can return these people to a level of functionality and independence. Each set is tailor made for its user and thus comes at a large price, but at what price is the use of hands considered to be expensive. With the advancement of today’s technology we are seeing the reality of the 1970’s sci-fi show the bionic man, are we entering an age of super heroes, people who would have once been forced to live a life at a disadvantage, maybe as it stands it truly does look like Steve Austin can be rebuilt.

    Source: 8th Dec 2009

  4. Nimol
    New card #8

    Title: New Energy_Saving Strategy for a New year

    There are more ways to lower your household's energy bills than by simply remembering to shut the lights off when you leave. The kinds of lightbulbs you use, the number of trees around your home, how old your appliances are, and even what your appliances do when you think they're turned off can all have an impact. Here are some ways to lower their costs.


  5. news card 8
    Title:A new way of looking at the world
    What's the first thing that goes through your mind when someone says the word "data"?

    For many of us, the first image is line graphs, pie charts and spreadsheets with columns and rows full of numbers that leave you bleary-eyed and a bit dazed.

    But what if someone were to say data can also mean what you post on Facebook and Twitter, the ratings you gave a restaurant, the photos you uploaded to Flickr or even, perhaps, what you feel.

    An emerging set of tools is making it easier than ever to track and compile all sorts of "data" and display it in a way that's relatively easy to understand.
    There are several reasons why we're seeing more data visualization in popular culture and why it's becoming simpler and more innovative, experts say.

    Links to some of the projects, Web sites and people discussed in this article and gallery:

    Computers and software have gotten cheaper during the past few decades, and the technology needed to build applications is now in the hands of more people

  6. Mali Gorjian
    News Card # 8
    NASA reveals first-ever photo of liquid on another worldCNN) -- NASA scientists revealed Friday a first-of-its-kind image from space showing reflecting sunlight from a lake on Saturn's largest moon, Titan.

    It's the first visual "smoking gun" evidence of liquid on the northern hemisphere of the moon, scientists said, and the first-ever photo from another world showing a "specular reflection" -- which is reflection of light from an extremely smooth surface and in this case, a liquid one.

    "This is the first time outside Earth we've seen specular reflection from another liquid from another body," said Ralf Jaumann, a scientist analyzing data from the Cassini unmanned space probe.

    Jaumann said he was surprised when he first saw the photos transmitting from Cassini, orbiting Saturn about a billion miles from Earth.

    "It was great because if you look at photos of planets, you mostly see nothing is happening. But in two hours we saw a glint of light getting brighter."

    Titan's similarities to Earth have attracted NASA's attention for decades. It's the only body besides our own in the solar system that is believed to have liquid on its surface. Like Earth, Titan has an atmosphere which is mostly nitrogen.

  7. News Card-8
    Title:Vodafone has confirmed that it will sell Apple's iPhone range from Jan 14.
    People signing up to Vodafone's £40 per month, 18-month contract also have to pay £89 for the iPhone itself, meaning they will have spent £809 on the phone and monthly payments by the time their contract expires.
    Supermarket giant Tesco, which started selling the iPhone last week, represents the cheapest deal for shoppers, who can choose between a 12-month or two-year contract. The cheapest monthly tariff is just £20, but shoppers will have to pay a whopping £320 up front for the 16GB iPhone 3GS.
    The number of free minutes and texts available varies between networks and tariffs, and will be a key consideration for shoppers as they try and decide which contracts represent the best value for money for their needs.
    But mobile phone experts have warned that purchasing decisions may boil down to more than just cost. O2's network, which has suffered frequent crashes in recent months, has gone down again, leaving some iPhone users unable to make or receive calls or surf the internet.

  8. jinxin (venus)
    news card 8
    Energy-saving server solution which reduced the environmental impact of Kyoto University.

    The server integration through an energy-saving server and proprietary software, and offered total support in the construction of a highly flexible and secure information service platform.

    In the past, they selected the computer system based on CPU computation performance, disk capacity and etc, but in addition to these, we have decided to add energy consumption as the key requirement, and placed a great deal of weight on it.
    In the end, the system proposed by NEC scored very high in our ranking.

    Environmental issues greatly affect the entire world. These efforts made in Kyoto are bound to spread globally.
    NEC will continue to contribute to reducing the environmental burden through IT.

  9. A Mobile Phone 'Alcohol Tracker' is to be launched

    Newscard 8

    Increased consumption of alcohol occurs around the festive season and a new mobile tracker can keep a personlized chart of your consumption. Heavy drinkers are more prone to mouth ulcers and strokes and it should be personally regulated. This feature can only be used if your mobile can access the internet.

  10. Newscard 8
    Czech zoo sends rare Northern White rhinos to Kenya

    Four Northern White rhinos have been move from a Czech zoo to Kenya, in the reason for preserve it’s species from extinction. The crisis of decreasing in Northern White rhino’s population is motivate the animal experts to bring it back to their natural habitat in Africa.
    4 rhinos have been move from Dvur Kralove Zoo in Czech Republic to Kenya by Boeing 747 according to the project “ Last Chance to Survive” . Zoo director Dana Holeckova said that she hope that the rhinos can live in the wild safety.
    Rob Brett, mem ber of the African Rhino Specialist group said that the project is the last effort to safe them from extinction. The zoo director hope that the natural habitat in Kenya will make the female more fertile and the males more interested.
    But the European Association of Zoos (EAZA) concern that the time that they live in the zoo could not guarantee that they can adapt themselves to the new habitat or not but the defenders of the plan reject that they believe the animal’s genetic memory can help them adapt themselves quickly.

    last updated at 12:56 GMT, Sunday, 20 December 2009
    Source of news:

  11. Ryan Coughlin
    News Card

    Just 12 months ago, Amazon's Kindle was the only real game in town, but as the end of 2009 neared, consumers could peruse e-books on similarly focused products, new and updated, including the Barnes & Noble Nook, Sony Reader, and Interead Cool-er, as well as the lesser-known Aluratek Libre.

    A number of companies that didn't launch an e-reader in 2009 announced intentions to tackle the nascent category, which is still dominated by Amazon. Among those hoping for a proverbial "Kindle killer": Plastic Logic with its Que; Spring Design with its Nook-tangling Alex; Entourage, maker of the Edge; and Zen maker Creative, which talked up its tentatively named MediaBook.

  12. Sui Shuang
    Title: news card
    webside address:
    if you want to know the details ,please check the address as above

  13. News Card # 8 Robert McBain
    Wednesday 22 Dec 2009
    Technology in Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning
    Shelly Esque, Vice President, Legal and Corporate Affairs and Director, Corporate Affairs Group, INTEL Corporation, USA.

    Our world is in transition, creating tremendous opportunities as well as competition for jobs and economic development. Countries are facing immense challenges in ensuring that their education systems are ready to prepare the next generation to take advantage of the opportunities.

    We know that ICT is playing an increasingly important role in not just the way we work, but also in the way we gather, assimilate and use information to create knowledge which is increasingly becoming the backbone of modern economies. This knowledge economy brings with it the need for a vast range of complex skills in the workforce, so that knowledge workers collaborate better, communicate effectively, critically evaluate options and successfully compete on a global scale.

    This in turn necessitates the need for education transformation to match the new paradigms and the effective use of ICT cannot be ignored. While there is an ever increasing use and induction of ICT into the education systems across the world, it is critical that the usage models of ICT defined by any country fall in line with not just the desired short-term educational outcomes, but also align with the long-term vision that the country has set for itself.

    It is thus extremely critical that as we march down the path to transform education, we know what the end goal looks like and have relevant mechanisms in place to measure the educational outcomes, as well as monitor the effectiveness of our actions.

  14. News Card
    Title: India survey says Facebook affects productivity
    BBC News|December 21 2009

    Indian firms are losing productivity because office staff spend too long on social networking sites, a survey says.

    The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Assocham) says workers use Orkut, Facebook, Myspace and Linkedin for "romancing" and other purposes.

    Office employees questioned in the survey spent on average an hour a day on sites like Facebook, leading to a loss in productivity of nearly 12.5%.

    The findings were based on responses from nearly 4,000 corporate employees.


    "Close to 12.5% of productivity of human resource in corporate sector is misappropriated each day since a vast majority of them while away their time accessing social networking sites during the office hours," according to the findings of Assocham's Social Development Foundation survey.

    "As a matter of fact, [the] growing use of browsing sites can be dangerous for overall productivity and IT companies have already installed software to restrict its use," Assocham secretary general DS Rawat said.

    The survey questioned 4,000 employees between the ages of 21 and 60 in Delhi, Bangalore, Madras (Chennai), Cochin, Indore, Ahmedabad, Surat, Mumbai (Bombay), Pune, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Lucknow and Kanpur.

    The survey found that 77% of workers who had Orkut accounts used them during work hours.

    Nearly half of office employees accessed Facebook during work time.

    Moreover, four in every 10 workers built their entire Orkut or Facebook profile at work, the survey found.

    Some 83% saw nothing wrong in surfing at work during office hours.

    According to the survey, 19% of companies allow use of social networking sites only for business purposes, while 16% allow limited personal use.

    Only 40% of the employees interviewed said that their companies allowed staff full access to social networking sites.

    The survey also says that 84% of respondents in India's major cities show signs of internet addiction - they do not take breaks at appropriate times, they spend more than a "normal" amount of time online, and can get irritable if they are interrupted while surfing.

    In September, Portsmouth City Council in southern England banned staff from accessing Facebook on its computers after it was revealed they spent on average 400 hours on the site every month.

    The move was expected to stop the "waste of public cash".

  15. From Robert McBain

    Statement about Analyse it Software

    Analyse It Tutorial
    This is a soft wear package that has been developed for researchers in many subjects but mainly in the enviromental & life sciences, engineering, manufacturing and education.

    It analyses statistics using add-in software which extends Excel so you can explore your data and uncover hidden trends, changes & differences to make good valid, informed business & research decisions. The soft ware covers areas normally done manually for example exploring, visualising and testing sample distributions. Looking for and finding changes & differences between groups and samples. It also helps to identify trends and uncover relationships to make predictions about these trends. There are extensive charts including box-whisker plot, dot-plot, interaction plot, frequency histogram, scatter plot. Over 30 kinds of tasks including t-test, ANOVA, multiple comparisons, Chi-square, Fisher, Shapiro-Wilk, correlation, multiple linear regression & polynomial regression.

  16. Title: Download Multi Image Downloader To Speed Up Image Downloading From Google Image Search Service

    Many users like to use the Google Image Search service offered by Google to search for image content from the web. Google Image Search does help a lot in image searching. Having said that, this image search service is not so user friendly when it comes to image downloading. The search result is presented in thumbnail view and users need a few more steps before they can download the full-size original image. To keep the download process simple and straightforward, the free and portable application, Multi Image Downloader, is worthwhile exploring.

  17. news card 8:

    Title :The top 10 tech trends of 2009

    Nowadays,we can connect to each other by using internet,phone and so on.On the other hand,we can carry the mini computer in our pockets,at the end of can give us the information where we are and what we are doing.
    In addition,the smartphone,a mobile phone also run as a computer and it can join to Facebook,Twitter and the rest of the digital universe.Facebook has more than 350 million users in United States and more than double the 150 million people who use Facebook at the start of the year.Furthermore,individuals became users in 2009,using the micro-blogging site Twintter all over the world.Although it was searched in 2007, it grew significantly this year.
    Moreover,gaming became not only mobile and social but also most using in children such as internet games,mobile games,video games and TV games today.And other one is smart-grid technology monitors energy use and give a hand to steer consumption to times of day when other don't use much electricity.General Electric and others improved smart appliances like hot water heaters which helps to maintain the energy costs.
    If you wold like to know more information,you can read by yourselves in detail.

  18. homework 8
    title ;Relearning Trust in a Web 2.0 World
    We can make many friends, colleagues, associates and followers because of social networking advances such as Facebook and MySpace. We can get not only friendship but also cybercriminal by application development on popular Web 2.0 Web sites because we store require access to elements of our profile data in order to function correctly. You can also prevent from crbercriminals by avoiding five points.

  19. News Card 8#

    Rare Gadgets: Ricoh X StussyGR Digital III camera

    Latest crossover edition of the GR digital III camera by Ricoh with an added touch of stylishness by the popular clothing brand Stussy is available in only 500 units. The point and shoot has be designed to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the US brand. The main attraction is that day-glo blue which has given the camera a nice theme and of course the stussy logo.

  20. News card
    from google search
    Title-Johnson Controls-Saft to Supply Battery for Ford's Transit Connect Electric Vehicle
    By . IW Staff

    Dec. 1, 2009

    Johnson Controls-Saft has been chosen as the Lithium-ion battery supplier for Azure Dynamic's Force Drive integration on the vehicle by Ford’s Transit Connect Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) that all electric vans will be produced in late 2010.
    The Transit Connect BEV has a targeted range of 80 miles on all-electric power, and is the first of four electric vehicles Ford plans to build in its global commercial vehicle program.
    The Johnson Controls-Saft battery systems, including electronics, electrical and mechanical components, will be accumulate at the company's facility in Holland.
    In addition to , The company will also bring the Li-ion hybrid batteries for the BMW 7-Series ActiveHybrid available in 2010 and Ford's first plug-in hybrid electric vehicle will be available in 2012.
    More information on-

  21. News Card #8
    Jean Chang

    BlackBerry users hit by eight-hour outage

    BlackBerry users throughout Northern America were hit by an 8 hours widespread outage with no emails and Internet services. BlackBerry didn't give reason for outage, which ended around 2:45 a.m. ET. This is a second time outage in a week time with a similar outage hit BlackBerry system last week.

    At one point, 100% of North American customers were affected. Official emails were sent out stating that users might not be able to send or receive messages as well as access to the Internet services.

    Something extra, Motion Ltd(maker of the device)concluded in a research that it had about 32 million global BlackBerry subscribers as of the end of August.

  22. Microsoft loses Word patent appeal, will change code

    December 22, 2009 11:27 AM PST

    Microsoft lost a patent case involving a company called I4i in May, after a jury ruled that Microsoft infringed one of i4i's patents with a custom XML feature found in Word. In August an injunction was placed on sales of Word pending the appeal, which did not go in Microsoft's favor Tuesday.The technology in question involves any Microsoft Word products that have the capability of opening .XML, .DOCX or DOCM files (XML files) containing custom XML.

  23. Newscard8 by yuhua xie
    title:BlackBerry users hit by eight-hour outage

    BlackBerry customers throughout North America were without e-mail and Internet services for more than eight hours after a widespread outage that lasted until early Wednesday.

    Customers began receiving e-mails again around 2:45 a.m. ET. Initial reports of outages came from BlackBerry around 6:30 p.m.

    BlackBerry did not give a reason for the outage. It was the second such outage for users in less than a week.

    At one point, BlackBerry estimated 100 percent of its customers in North America were affected by the outage, according to an e-mail sent to customers.

  24. Assignment #7 (Analyse-it tutorial summary) and News Card #7 by Murat Kiymaz

    Analyse-it Tutorial Summary:
    Analyse-it is a powerful program that integrates into Microsoft Excel and is used for statistical evaluation of data. It can manipulate the data, as well as generate charts and reports based on it.
    Datasets can be created with ease by clicking on the new dataset button and then different layouts (such as lists, tables, etc.) can be assigned to them.
    Its most powerful feature is the ability to generate printable summaries of the data by using charts, plots and histograms.
    It also lets the user update a previous analysis should the data change. A new report can be generated following exclusion of an outlying datum (or data) from the analysis.
    Users can also easily edit their analyses, collate their reports with the corresponding datasets and filter their data to choose specific parameters.

    News Card #7:

    Title: 2009 - The Social Year

    As 2009 draws to a close, here is a great retrospective article that muses over the monthly changes that the Net went through:

    2009 - the social year

  25. News Card #8 - AESA Radar Technology

    Raytheon and American Defense Contractor - has again developed an Active Electronically Scanned Arrays (AESAs) and are adding a new dimension to the demanding fighter aircraft environment. Raytheon is at the forefront of the radar revolution as they developed weaponry like the Hawk, Advenger, and Patriot Missles in ADA fighting tool boxes. The world’s first operational AESA fighter radar — the APG-63(V)2 for the F-15C, fielded in 2000. Since then, Raytheon continued to refine and develop the technology. The latest addition is now the AESA radar systems is RACR, suitable for multiple fighter aircraft requiring an affordable AESA capability.

    RACR exploits Raytheon’s experience in fielding advanced air-to-air, air-to-surface multimode AESA radars selected for the F/A-18 Super Hornet, F-15C, F-15E, and B-2 platforms. Providing incomparable detection, targeting, tracking and selfprotection, RACR can be tailored to any fighter platform’s size, space, and radome requirements.

    Researched and veiwed 24 Dec 2009 from:

  26. Analyse-it Tutorial Summary:
    In this Microsoft Excel Analyse-it, we can learn how to create a dataset, chart and graph for statistic analysis because it contains a wide range of statistic research. It reports not only a static copy of the statistics and charts but also shows how to exclude an outlier and update a report. One of the most useful advantages of this program is it can print any dataset, chart and graph. In filtering section, rows can be either removed or added or using Excel's Autofilter.

  27. HOME WORK 8 & news card#8
    The summary of Analyse-it tutorial

    Analyse-it is the most popular statistical analysis and charting for Microsoft Exel.It was formed in 1997 to develop easy-to use statistical analysis and charting software.Analyse-it include dataset templates for common experiment design.Analyse-it can also perform statistical analysis on data already on an Excel worksheet.Before you can analyse your data, you must tell how your data is arranged.For a new user, the most useful layout is the list dataset.And analyse-it distinguishes between three scale of measurement for data.Beside Analyse-it include a large range of statistical tests suitable for all kind of statistical research.Like other Exel worksheets, we can keep, collect the reports in the same workbook as the dataset.For filtering , Analyse-it only use the cases that are visible on the worksheet.

    news card#8

    Title:iPhone + robot marimba player= instant band
    Gil weinberg , director of music technology at Georgia tech, is developing Shimon , a melodic instrument ,as a socially dynamic band mate. He say the robot listen like a human improvises as a machine

  28. Mali Gorjian
    Analyse - it Tutorial Summary:
    It is a very fast to access the result through computer program ,that is integrated with excel program and is used for statistical evaluation such as the scales ( ordinal, ratio, ordinal and nominal), Histodyagram ,Charts and other statistical measurment data, with different variable.In this program we are able exclude an outlier and update a report, editing a statistical analysis , to get Standard deviation data , callate a report with our dataset will show data and Descriptive together, printing the report and chart . In this program we are able to filtering our data in case of spicial deed. ex. if we want only green eye data will be appear on the screen.Even there are other facilities such as ( help and further resources) that will provide more explanation.

  29. AssiStatement about Analysis
    Analysis-it is a very useful program that make us learn how to create a chart , dataset and graph for statistic analysis. We can use it to solve problem in different area of life , so make our life more convenient.
    It analyses statistics in Excel, evaluates the data , and it can manipulate the data, as well as generate charts and reports based on it as well.
    It has another ability that generate printable summaries of the data by using charts, plots and histograms.
    We can create a new datasets and change it in time, according to what we need and previous updated information .by using the new dataset button and previous updated information.
    We can modify the list, tables or something else according to what we want. It is very useful.

  30. home work 8
    short statements of those 9 sections on Analyse-it tutorials

    1 Introduction
    Major features of Analyse-it
    Click Analyse-it in Excel 2007

    2 Create a new dateset
    Click New dateset → variable →type in date

    3 Working with existing date
    Click Define Dateset → list →Next →Next→Finish
    Setting measurement scale
    Click Variable→choice date →Nominal→ok

    4 Running a statistical test
    Click Describle →Summary→Variable

    5 Updating an Analysis
    Click show Dateset →outlier→choice date →outlier →refresh

    6 Editing an Analysis
    Click Edit→Describle summary →+_1SD→ok

    7 keeping work together
    click collate →date →descriptivel

    8 Printing reports and charat
    Click print →show

    9 Filtering date
    filter→choose a cell→Green eye →Filter→eye color→select all→refr

  31. ANALYSE - IT

    1. Introduction - Analyse it provides statistics to describe and test hypotheses with powerful charts to visualize the data. It also helps in managing data and reports.
    2. Creating a new dataset - A dataset is a range of cells on an Excel Worksheet. Analyse it includes dataset templates for common experiment designs to allow you to quickly get started.
    3. Working with existing data Analyse-it can also perform statistical analysis on data already on an Excel worksheet. However, before you can analyse your data you must tell Analyse-it how your data is arranged, which cells contain the names of variables and which contain the data. There are three scale of measurement for data in Analyse-it: continuous, nomial and ordinal. By default Analyse-it assumes all variables are measure on continuous scale. For other scale, you have to set the data.
    4. Running a statistical test - There are many kinds of statistical test to choose from in Analyse-it such as descriptive.
    5. Updating an analysis - Analyse-it reports show a static copy of the statistics and charts. They so not automatically update the date when changed.
    6. Editing an analysis- Analyse-it allows you to easily change the options used for a statistical analysis
    7. Keeping work together - Analyse-it reports can be treated like an Excel worksheet. You can keep and collate report in same workbook as dataset.
    8. Printing reports and charts – reports are ready to print with clear format, page breaks and identification header for tracking.
    9. Filtering Data – useful to analyse just a subset of the cases but only the cases that are visible on worksheet

  32. News Card

    2009 sales of Netbooks rise, but notebooks fall

    With higher shipments, Netbooks sales will jump 72 percent to $11.4 billion for 2009, forecasts DisplaySearch. But overall portable PC sales will be down for the year.

  33. Analysis-It Summary

    1.Introduction – It provides statistics to describe and test hypothesis with the use of charts to test data.
    2.Creating a new dataset – by choosing from the available templates.
    3.Working with existing data- by first defining the dataset to perform statistical analysis.
    4.Running a Statistical Test- suitable for all kinds of statistical research using describe
    5.Updating an Analysis – easily done using Outlier
    6.Editing an Analysis – change options used for statistical analysis using edit.
    7.Keeping Work Together- Collate report with dataset using collate.
    8.Printing Reports and Charts- clear format, page breaks and identification header for tracking
    9.Filtering Data – to allow only subset of cases using filter

  34. Title----X-rays 'top scientific invention'
    X-rays revolutionised diagnosis
    The public has voted the X-ray machine as the best invention, ahead of the Apollo 10 space capsule and Stephenson's Rocket.
    Out of nearly 50,000 votes cast, one in five people named it for having made the greatest impact on the past, present and future.
    Ten of the most significant objects in science, engineering, technology and medicine were selected for the vote.
    Information on all the items is found at the Science Museum in London.
    The first three positions were filled by medical inventions or discoveries, the X-ray machine being followed by the discoveries of penicillin and the DNA double helix structure.
    X-rays provided the first possibility of looking inside someone's body without cutting them open - a massive medical advance.

  35. Analyze-it

    Introduction: This application is an "integration" of Excel '97 into to 2007. It utilizes statistics to test hypotheses and represents them as graphical charts.

    Creating a new dataset: This involves using a range of cells on excel under statistical analysis with numerous dataset template options.

    Working with existing data: An analysis can be completed on the excel data sheet. A setup called a list "dataset" allows specific numerical arrangements. At this juncture, the data wizard can be used.
    Setting the measurement scale: This package differentiates between three scales of measurement: continuous, nominal and ordinal.

    Running a statistical analysis: All types of statistical tests may be done such as one or two tailed analyses.

    Updating an analysis: A report can be easily updated if data changes by means of outlier exclusion.

    Editing an analysis: Modifications can be "plugged" in speedily.

    Keeping work together: Information can be collated in the same workbook.

    Printing reports and charts: Reports can be printed with the modern format and other necessary auxiliary features.

    Filtering Data: It only analyzes a subset of the data. Non-visible sets will not be pencilled in. A facility called the autofiller allows this procedure.

  36. Analyse-It
    Analyse – it is easy to use statistical software and charting software. It is also add in to microsoftsoftware. So if you want to use it in your computer, you should have excel in your computer.
    There are three parts that we can do with this software. First, we are allowed to prepare data for analysis, then we can perform statistical analysis and the last stage we can work with analysis reports.
    First of all you can create the dataset which is any range of worksheet cells containing the data to be analysed. Defining dataset means that how the data is arranged in this program, the name of variables and which cells contain the data to anlyse.
    When you click analyse-it menu in Microsoft Excell you will see standard and Method evaluation. You can choose the cell that you want to test and click the Analyse –it tab and then choose which test you want to run for which variables and last you can click ok to run the test.
    Analyse-it creates the result of statistical analysis as a report. Reports are standard Excell worksheets so can be saved, printed, emailed and otherwise treated just like any other worksheet. And also reports can be created by copy pasting charts and cell ranges into another document or application as you wish. But if we are using the free trial of Analyse-it we cannot print, save or move reports.
    This software is useful for the students for the data analysis when we have research for our thesis or independent study.
    Patricia Thandar

  37. News Card #8
    Title:Google Dictionary - Free Multilingual Dictionary and Translator
    I have found that you can find the definition in Google easily by using Google dictionary, Google has added a dedicated dictionary to its vast pool of online services.
    At first, Google search engine has a built- in ability to provide definition for word with "define:"operator. If you would like to search any term or phrase with the format of "define: term" will return not only search result which list relevant and related web pages but also will display a list of definition of the term available the web. To type "define:" prefix to search query every time to lookup for definitions may not be convenient . So that's why Google has added this service. The main feature of free Google dictionary is support for bidirectional multilingual dictionary, with the help of Google Translate, to allow look-up of word or phrase in any supported language, and return definitions in particular translated languages.

  38. Introduction
    Analyse-it is also a version of Microsoft word excel. By clicking Analyse-it helps in making statistics, hypotheses with charts to visualize your data.
    Creating a new dataset
    To creat a new dataset, just click New Dataset and choose and type the data on cell.
    Working with existing data
    Click Define Dataset and choose one from dataset wizard that you need to define.
    Setting measurement scale
    To set the variable measurement scale
    Three sales: continuous, nominal (categorical) and ordinal (ordered categorical).
    Click Variable and choose the appropriate one.
    Running a statistical test
    Click Decribe on tab and go step by step and after that you will see the chart that describe the statistic.
    Updating an analysis
    Click Show Dataset and select a cell and click outlier and furthermore click refresh to view the outlier.
    Editing an analysis
    By clicking Edit on analyse-it tab, it will show the bar that you edit.
    Keeping work together
    It can be used to keep the reports with dataset.
    Click Collate to report the data.
    Printing reports and charts
    You can print the clear modern report with sensible page breaks, and header for tracking.
    Just click Print and you will see print preview. Close it and click print.
    Filtering data
    Filter is used the cases that are visible on the worksheet but hidden row will not be included.
    Getting help
    It includes online helps that are using software and full statistical reference guide.
    Just click Help or further resources.

  39. Analyse-it@Getting Started tutorial

    it is update Microsoft Excel+Analyse-it and it makes statistics to availible for us to use, show and test hypotheses with charts to form our data and reports in our mind clearly.Moreover, Analyse-it involves dataset templates that we will learn how to create a new dataset.As well as, it is flexible to draw the list dataset and to seperate between three scales of measurement for data cotinuous, nominal and ordinal easily.
    In addition, we can update an analysis, edit an analysis,keep work together,get help and print the data and reports by using it.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. News card #8
    Title: Jobs "extremely happy" with tablet
    Apple (AAPL) is a company that leaks with a purpose, and for Christmas it has loosened its normally tight-lipped public relations operation and delivered a heap of neatly wrapped rumors. A flood of rumors point to a Jan. 26 unveiling of Apple's new touch-screen device. That the select developers that as long as they build their apps to support full screen resolution — rather than a fixed 320×480 — their apps should run just fine.


  42. Analyse-it
    1.Introduction –It provides statistics to describe and test hypotheses with powerful charts to visualize the data.
    2.Creating a new dataset – By using the available dataset templates for common experiment designs.
    3.Working with existing data- It performs statistical analysis on data already on an Excel worksheet.
    4.Running a Statistical Test- It provides many statistical test to choose and use.
    5.Updating an Analysis –It shows a copy of the statistics and charts. But it is not automatically update when the data is changed.
    6.Editing an Analysis – It is easy to change the options used for statistical analysis using edit.
    7.Keeping Work Together- We can keep and collate report in same workbook as dataset.
    8.Printing Reports and Charts- The reports are clear format, page breaks and identification header for tracking
    9.Filtering Data – When exploring data it can be useful to to analyse just a subset of the case, to allow Filtering Analyse-it only uses the cases that are visible on the worksheet

  43. Analyze-it
    1- Introduction: it is the kind of statistics that use to test hypotheses and represents them as graphical, charts.
    2- Creating a new dataset: dataset templates for common experiment designs to allow you to get started quickly.
    3- Working with existing data: in analyse-it, there are three scale of measurements for data such as : continuous, nomial and ordinal.
    4- Running a statistical test: There are many kinds of statistical test to choose from in Analyse-it such as descriptive.
    5- Updating an analysis: report easily updated if data changes by means of outlier exclusion.
    6- Editing an analysis: statistical analysis can be changed the options by using edit.
    7- Keeping Work Together: we can keep and collate report in same workbook as dataset.
    8- Printing reports and charts: reports are ready to print with clear format, page breaks and identification header for tracking.
    9- Filtering Data: use the cases that are visible on the worksheet.



    *1. Introduction - Analyse it provides statistics to describe and test hypotheses with powerful charts to visualize the data. It also helps in managing data and reports.
    *2. Creating a new dataset - A dataset is a range of cells on an Excel Worksheet. Analyse it includes dataset templates for common experiment designs to allow you to quickly get started.
    *3. Working with existing data Analyse-it can also perform statistical analysis on data already on an Excel worksheet. However, before you can analyse your data you must tell Analyse-it how your data is arranged, which cells contain the names of variables and which contain the data. There are three scale of measurement for data in Analyse-it: continuous, nomial and ordinal. For other scale, you have to set the data.
    *4. Running a statistical test - There are many kinds of statistical test to choose from in Analyse-it such as descriptive.
    *5. Updating an analysis - Analyse-it reports show a static copy of the statistics and charts. They so not automatically update the date when changed.
    *6. Editing an analysis- Analyse-it allows you to easily change the options used for a statistical analysis
    *7. Keeping work together - Analyse-it reports can be treated like an Excel worksheet. You can keep and collate report in same workbook as dataset.
    *8. Printing reports and charts – reports are ready to print with clear format, page breaks and identification header for tracking.
    *9. Filtering Data – When exploring data it can be useful to to analyse just a subset of the case, to allow Filtering Analyse-it only uses the cases that are visible on the worksheet

  45. Chinese proposal to meter internet traffic
    China wants to meter all internet traffic that passes through its borders, it has emerged.

    The move would require international agreement - but it is being discussed by the United Nations' internet standards organisation.

    It would allow countries which currently receive no payment for use of their lines to generate income.

    But an EU cyber security expert has warned the plan could threaten the stability of the entire internet.

    The ITU firmly rejected this claim and insisted that it had involved the wider internet industry in its discussions - with several experts being invited to contribute to the most recent talks on introducing tariffs, which took place in Kampala, Uganda, in September this year.
    China's proposal is understood to have the backing of a number of developing countries, who currently have to bear the cost of international internet connections.

    At the moment, when countries install internet circuits, they have to choose between a "peer-to-peer" system for connections with other countries, in which no money changes hands but the traffic flow between the two countries balances out, or an asymmetrical system, where they have to pay the full cost of the connection.

    It is understood that the Chinese proposal would see countries reaching a commercial agreement when internet connections are established, including possible compensation for traffic flow and number of routes.


    Navigating the internet danger zone

    Cyber crooks are roaming the Internet and their targets are web greenhorns such as secondary school leavers who for the first time have unlimited time exploring websites, visiting chat-rooms and social networking sites such as MySpace, Twitter and Facebook through computers and mobile phones.

    Unfortunately few school leavers are aware of the dangers lurking in the World Wide Web. The issue is that few parents and teachers have prepared them for the dangerous masterminds of the virtual world. Such criminals include small time cyber beggars, bullies, and paedophiles, counterfeit goods marketers, academic cyber cheats and hardcore criminals who attack financial systems and information data banks.

    But where most school leavers may avoid the above category of cyber criminals, they should be wary of threats posed by identity theft criminals who are the new generation of cyber stalkers. According to a new report by Symantec Corporation, the world’s largest makers of security software, Internet users have become prime prey of identify theft criminals. "Visitors are introduced to a different world and are keen to make new discoveries and meet new friends," says Mr Anthony Njogu, an Internet security specialist.
    For more information please visit the link above.


    Navigating the internet danger zone

    Cyber crooks are roaming the Internet and their targets are web greenhorns such as secondary school leavers who for the first time have unlimited time exploring websites, visiting chat-rooms and social networking sites such as MySpace, Twitter and Facebook through computers and mobile phones.

    Unfortunately few school leavers are aware of the dangers lurking in the World Wide Web. The issue is that few parents and teachers have prepared them for the dangerous masterminds of the virtual world. Such criminals include small time cyber beggars, bullies, and paedophiles, counterfeit goods marketers, academic cyber cheats and hardcore criminals who attack financial systems and information data banks.

    But where most school leavers may avoid the above category of cyber criminals, they should be wary of threats posed by identity theft criminals who are the new generation of cyber stalkers. According to a new report by Symantec Corporation, the world’s largest makers of security software, Internet users have become prime prey of identify theft criminals. "Visitors are introduced to a different world and are keen to make new discoveries and meet new friends," says Mr Anthony Njogu, an Internet security specialist.
    For more information please visit the link above.

  48. News Card # 8 by Qingfang Wei
    Title: Ford brings Wi-Fi to the highway
    Starting next year, Ford enters fray of automakers offering in-car Internet access. The next generation of the Sync in-car entertainment and information system will use a USB mobile broadband modem to establish a secure wireless connection capable of supporting several devices simultaneously. The system will be available next year on selected models -- no word yet which ones -- and you won't need a subscription or hardware beyond the modem. Ford is taking a decidedly different approach, opting to allow consumers to plug in their own USB modem to get connected. Ford says interest in in-car connectivity is high among the general public, with one-third of people surveyed by the Consumer Electronics Association expressing interest in being able to check e-mail or surf the Web from the car.

  49. Analyse-it
    1.introduction--provides stastistics describe and test hyphotheses, withe powerful charts to visualize your data.In addition to specialised commands for manganing your data and reports.
    2.creating a new dataset--a dataset is a range of cells on an excel worksheet.Tht frist,click New dataset on the Analyse-it tab select dataset layout.And then get ready to type in data after new datase is created.
    3.Working with existing data--Analyse-it can also perform statistical analysis on data already on an Excel worsheet.Use hypothetical data on Height and Eye colour of 40 male adults.
    4.Running a statistical test--Analyse-it includes a wide range of statistical tests suitable for all kinds of statistical research, perform summary descriptive statistics on the "Heigt"variable.
    5.Updating an analysis--reports show a static copy of the statistics and charts.They do not automatically up date if data is changed.However, unlike most statistical software,the reports can easily be updated.
    6.Editing an analysis--allows you to easily change the potions used for a statistical analysis.
    7.Keeping work together--reports can be treated like any other Excel worksheet.
    8.Printing reports and charts---have a clear format,sensible page breaks,and an identification header for tracking purposes.
    9.Filtering data--when exploring data it can be useful to analyse just a subset of the cases.To allow filtering Analyse-it only uses the cases that are visible on the worksheet.Observations on hidden rows will not be included in the analysis.Rows can be manually hidden to exclude them,or using Excel's Autofilter.

  50. Homework 8: Analyse - it Tutorial Summary
    1. Introduction: Analyse-it provides statistics to describe and test hypotheses with powerful charts to visualize the data.
    2. Creating a new dataset: A dataset is a range of cells on an Excel Worksheet. Analyse it includes dataset templates for common experiment designs to allow you to quickly get started.
    3. Working with existing data: Analyse-it can also perform statistical analysis on data already on an Excel worksheet.
    4. Running a statistical test: There are many kinds of statistical test to choose from in Analyse-it。
    5. Updating an analysis: Analyse-it reports show a static copy of the statistics and charts.
    6. Editing an analysis: Analyse-it can be change the options used for a statistical analysis
    7. Keeping work together: Analyse-it reports can be treated like an Excel worksheet. You can keep and collate report in same workbook as dataset.
    8. Printing reports and charts: The reports are ready to print with clear format, page breaks and identification header for tracking.
    9. Filtering Data: When exploring data it can be useful to to analyse just a subset of the case, to allow Filtering Analyse-it only uses the cases that are visible on the worksheet

  51. Analyse-It Summary

    Analyse-It is a statistical analysis add-in for Microsoft Excel.

    Analyse-It provides a range of standard parametric and non-parametric procedures, including descriptive statistics, Anova, Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxin, Chi-square, linear regression, polynomial regression, Kappa and Bland-Altman bias plots.
    Introduction: You must arrange information as a list dataset first. You will need to set a measurement scale.
    Working with existing data: You must tell anyalyse-It how the data is to be organised.Do this by creating datasets.
    Running a statistical Set: Can use this software to do many statistical tests such as Anova, T-test and others.
    Updating an analysis: You can update data and reports
    Editing an Analysis:It is easy to change and edit an analysis. For example you can change the standard deviation.
    Keeping Work Together: It is easy to collate reports. Can collate a report with your dataset.
    Printing Reports and Charts: Can print reports and charts
    Filtering Data: You can hide or filter data if you want to.

  52. Sorry about the late entry.

    Analyse It is a add on to Microsoft Excel for statistical operations. Watching the tutorials it was broken down into:
    Intro: It's an add-in for Excel allowing for Descriptive statistics, chi-square, ANOVA, etc.
    Creating a data set: To get started you need to create a dataset. You can use Excel templates here.
    Using existing data: Simple, use data from a previous excel database and analyse it.
    Running a statistics test: Just a rundown of statistical tests.
    Updating your analysis: A copy of statistics reports. It does not automatically update.
    Editing: You can make changes to the analysis.
    Keeping work together: Your work can be grouped and stored the same as other excel spreadsheets.
    Printing reports/charts: You can print it.
    Filtering Data: You can choose what date you want to see.

  53. Newscard #8

    Security warnings -- and safety tips -- for 2010

    "Don Gray, chief security strategist at Solutionary, an information-security company, has several predictions for the coming year:

    Social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter will suffer the first significant breach that will drive away some users for the first time......

    Kenny's Comment: Social networking will be attacked. If you've noticed, social networking sites become more and more intrusive.

  54. For Theses, I am using Analyse-it which is an independent validation written in easy-to-understand plain English. Statistical jargon is avoided wherever possible. Step-by-step instructions guide you through using Analyse-it, and help you interpret the statistics and charts.

  55. Homework 8: Analyse - it Tutorial Summary
    1. Introduction: Analyse-it provides statistics to explain and test hypotheses with powerful charts to visualize the data.

    2. Creating a new dataset: A dataset is a range of cells on an Excel Worksheet. Analyse it includes dataset templates for common experiment designs to consent to you to quickly get in progress.

    3. Working with existing data: Analyse-it can also execute statistical analysis on data already on an Excel worksheet.

    4. Consecutively a statistical test: There are many kinds of statistical test to choose from in Analyse-it。

    5. Updating an analysis: Analyse-it reports illustrate a static copy of the statistics and charts.

    6. Editing an analysis: Analyse-it can be transform the options used for a statistical analysis

    7. Maintenance work together: Analyse-it reports can be treated like an Excel worksheet. You can continue and collate report in same workbook as dataset.

    8. Printing reports and charts: The reports are ready to produce with clear format, page breaks and classification header for tracking.

    9. Filtering Data: When exploring data it can be useful to analyze just a subset of the case, to let Filtering Analyse-it only uses the cases that are noticeable on the worksheet

  56. Analyse-it: Nway Nway
    1. Introduction: Analyse-it integrates excel into 97 to 2007 providing statistics to describe and test hypotheses with powerful charts to visualize data.
    2. Creating a New Data Set: It has templates for common experiment design. First, click Data Set, then variables, afterthat type the variables.
    3. Working with existing data: Analyse-it also can work on existing data. First of all, select a cell and click define data set then complete the wizard.
    4. Running a stastistical test: Select a cell in data set, then describe summary or other variables you want to describe.
    5. Updating an Analysis: Analyse-it reports show a static copy of the statistics and charts. It does not automatically update and needs to do some steps: data set - choose a cell - outlier - refresh
    6. Editing an Analysis: Analysis allows you to easily change the options used for the statistical analysis. To edit: click edit, then, choose variable and change, finally click ok.
    7. Keeping work together: Analyse-it can keep the work together. To complete: click collate, then data and descriptive will appear together.
    8. Printing Reports and Charts: It has a clear modern format to print the task. Click print with options of the whole page or individual chart.
    9. Filtering Data: If you don't want to show the whole data sheet,
    select a cell - filter - drop symbol - select - choose variable - refresh.

  57. Analyze-it

    1 Introduction: this is statistics that use to test hypotheses and represents them as graphical, charts.
    2 Creating a new dataset that for common experiment designs to allow you to get started quickly.
    3 Working with existing data: in analyse-it, there are three scale of measurements for data such as : continuous, nomial and ordinal.
    4 Running a statistical test: There are many kinds of statistical test to choose from in Analyse-it.
    5 Updating an analysis: report easily updated if data changed.
    6 Editing an analysis: statistical analysis can be changed the options by using edit.
    7 Keeping Work Together: we can keep and collate report in same workbook as dataset.
    8 Printing reports and charts: reports are ready to print with clear format, page breaks and identification header for tracking.
    9 Filtering Data: use the cases that are visible on the worksheet.

  58. News Card

    Q&A: Researcher Karsten Nohl on mobile eavesdropping

    This week brought some bad news for mobile phone users. German security expert Karsten Nohl showed how easy it is to eavesdrop on GSM-based (Global System for Mobile Communications) cell phones, including those used by AT&T and T-Mobile customers in the U.S.

    Nohl, who has a doctorate in computer engineering from the University of Virginia, made headlines last year publicizing weaknesses in wireless smart card chips used in transit systems around the globe.

  59. Sorry, I was on vacation...


    1.Introduction – Takes about basics of program. It's an add on to Excel that tabulates statistics
    2.Creating a new dataset – Starts blank for new data
    3.Working with existing data- Open an existing spreadsheet to do tests on it
    4.Running a Statistical Test- like mean, standard deviation, t-test, etc. This tests with the data
    5.Updating an Analysis – If new data are inputted, this updates the test
    6.Editing an Analysis – Change the parameters for a test
    7.Keeping Work Together- Put different files and test together for easy access.
    8.Printing Reports and Charts- Prints data sheets and the results of statistical tests
    9.Filtering Data – Allow only some portion of the data to be shown or tested
