Monday, December 14, 2009

Details of Home work6

1.Click on the program file”Presenter7”
2.Click on “Setup file”then click on Presenter Windows Installer Package
3.then click on “next”and then “next”in this click make sure the choice is on “repair” on “Install” and “finish”
5.You will see the “Read- only” PPT demo
6.Make a copy of this file by click “save as” to your desk top.
7.You will get PPT file named”Getting_Sta…”
8.In this New file you can edit any slide start with the 1st slide put your name and surname and your st ID on it.2nd.slide import any still picture with your own narration(click on Adobe Presenter and choose”record audio”)to describe your picture 3rd slide click on “capture video” in Adobe Presenter(you need Video Camera” to do the task) then captor your own video picture make sure you say something like introduce yourself.4th slide “Insert flash”swf(option) 5th slide import quiz(option.)
9.publish your works into PDF then send to

Good luck and wish the program will be working right
*You may go back to review video tutorials or visit the tutorials websites in our Class Blog.


  1. news card
    Title:Google gets into the URL-shrinking biz with

    webside address:

    If you want to know the details ,please check the address !

  2. News Card

    Microsoft fixes Office 2003 bug with patch
    December 14, 2009 8:52 AM PST

    The bug, which cropped up on Friday, meant that users of Office 2003 were unable to access files protected using Microsoft's rights management service (RMS) technology. Microsoft posted a software download known as a "hotfix" on Saturday that it says resolves the issue.

    Microsoft said the problem was due to an Office 2003 certificate that expired. This resulted in Office 2003 customers not being able to open Office 2003 documents protected with the Active Directory Rights Management Service (AD RMS) or Rights Management Services (RMS).The issue occured on Thursday night and was fixed up by Mid-day Saturday.

  3. News Card
    Title: Space
    From Mali Gorjian

    NASA launches infrared telescope to scan entire sky
    NASA launched a new telescope into space on Monday to scan the cosmos for undiscovered objects, including asteroids and comets that might threaten Earth.
    From this web site you'll get more information and news, if you are interested.

  4. News Card # 6 Robert McBain
    Wednesday 16th Dec 2009

    SEATTLE – Ten years ago, we would have been blown away by a cell phone with far more computing power and memory than the average PC had in 1999, along with a built-in camera and programs to manage every aspect of our lives. Ten years from now, the iPhone and its ilk will be antiques.

    Over the next decade, the evolution of
    computing and the Internet will produce faster, increasingly intelligent devices. More of our possessions will contain sensors and computers that log our activities, building digital dossiers that augment our memories, help us make decisions and tame information overload.

    Such ideas may sound futuristic and excessive today. And technological predictions are notoriously off-base. Short-term forecasts tend to assume too much change and long-term forecasts underestimate the possibility of sudden, major shifts.

    Even so, this vision of interconnected devices that produce and filter massive amounts of data in the 2010s is a logical progression of the Web, computers and gadgetry that emerged in the 2000s. Moore's Law, the principle that computing power doubles every two years without increasing in cost, still rules.
    By JESSICA MINTZ, AP Technology Writer Jessica Mintz, Ap Technology Writer – Tue Dec 15, 3:33 pm ET;

  5. news card

    Title:NASA's WISE Surveyor Sets Out to Illuminate Secrets of the Sky
    Early Monday morning, NASA launched a spacecraft that will map the entire sky in infrared light with more sensitivity and resolution than has ever been possible before.

    A Delta II rocket carrying NASA's new Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California at 6:09 a.m. PST Monday and deposited the instrument into a polar orbit 326 miles above Earth.

    The space telescope is on a nine-month mission to record the infrared colors of the whole sky in more detail than was provided by the last infrared sky survey, which was performed 26 years ago. It will first scan the whole sky, and then it will scan one-half of the sky a second time before its mission ends.

  6. News Card # 6 Andrew Forster
    Thursday 17th Dec 2009

    Technology never stops moving, but what are the technologies that CIOs and IT managers really need to consider in 2010?

  7. News Card #6

    Title: MP3 players face noise limits recommended by EU
    BBC News|December 13 2009

    The European Commission is calling for a suggested maximum volume to be set on MP3 players, to protect users' hearing.

    The commission wants all MP3 players sold in the EU, including iPods, to share the same volume limits.

    This follows a report last year warning that up to 10m people in the EU face permanent hearing loss from listening to loud music for prolonged periods.

    EU experts want the default maximum setting to be 85 decibels, according to BBC One's Politics Show.

    Users would be able to override this setting to reach a top limit of 100 decibels.

    In January, a two-month consultation of all EU standardisation bodies will begin on these proposals, with a final agreement expected in the spring.

    Some personal players examined in testing facilities have been found to reach 120 decibels, the equivalent of a jet taking off, and no safety default level currently applies, although manufacturers are obliged to print information about risks in the instruction manuals.

    Modern personal players are seen as more dangerous than stationary players or old-fashioned cassette or disk players because they can store hours of music and are often listened to while in traffic with the volume very high to drown out outside noise.

    Dr Robin Yeoh, an audiology consultant at the Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust, said: "More and more young people are referred to me by their GPs with tinnitus or hearing loss as a direct result to exposure to loud music.

    "It's the sort of damage that in the old days would have come from industrial noise.

    "The damage is permanent and will often play havoc with their employment opportunities and their personal lives."

    'Personal choice'

    DigitalEurope, the Brussels-based body representing the industry, agrees safety must be improved.

    But according to their spokesman Tony Graziano, "the solution must lie in a balance between safety and enjoyment of the product by the consumer".

    "Eighty five decibels would not be appropriate because noise coming from traffic, engines and so on would obliterate the sound," he said.

    Conservative MEP Martin Callanan, who sits on the European Parliament's Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee, said: "Kids have always listened to their music loud and this is not going to stop them."

    He added: "You have to educate them to the risks but ultimately you have to allow personal responsibility and personal choice."

    The Politics Show broadcasts at 1200 GMT on BBC One and for seven days after on the BBC iPlayer

  8. News cards #6

    Title:Toyota roll out plug-in prius in two years

    Toyota will first sale plug-in hybrid vehicle.this car can use oil or electric. aiming to meet growing demand for fuel-efficient cars.


  9. Home work-7
    Tech news from-http://
    Title-Miracle Metal: How Glassy Metals will Define Manufacturing in the 21th Century
    The metals have a wide range of applications, from aerospace structures to golf clubs and medical devices.
    By Afarin Bellisario, Principal Transtrategy Inc.
    Dec. 9, 200
    An amorphous metal, a molecular structure similar to that of glass, have many extraordinary properties, such as: the highest strengths of metallic material; exceptional magnetism; wear/corrosion resistance; and, a large capacity to store elastic energy. Unlike conventional metals, these metals soften gradually when heated and do not contract during solidification. These properties can be shaped and molded of the material into complex designs, in near-net shapes with micro-scale precision at relatively low temperatures. Furthermore, the surfaces of the parts made with these materials are smooth-no sanding or grinding is necessary. A satisfactory outcome of the production of parts outperforming titanium and steel in durability and strength is as easy and cheap as making plastics.

    More detail on-

  10. Newscard#6

    FBI makes arrest in 'Wolverine' uploading case

    A New York man is charged with copyright infringement nine months after the X-Men movie showed up on the Web before its release to theaters.

  11. news card :

    Article: U.S backs $100 billion climate fund

    Dozens of heads of state discussed about carbon emissions.U.S president Barack Obama has presented for acceptance or rejection to cut the percentage of greenhouse gases -proposal by Danish,3-4 percent in 1990 levels by 2020,or 17 percent against 2005 levels.And the European Union also has told it will cut by at least 20 percent against 1990.
    But China refused that it saw no future prospect of achieving an action to accept as a challenge,globle warming.German environment minister Norbert Roettgen said Reuters,"we've got a serious situation".
    In addition,the Copenhagen summit is meant to accept a global climate agreement next year.Then, china expect the Copengagen meeting is successful and has always taken a constructive belief,Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told.About 120 heads of state and government will join the spheeches on Thursday and Friday.


  12. Source of knowledge:
    Page last updated at 14:16 GMT, Friday, 11 December 2009

    Newscard 6
    Web to watch government spending
    Nowday the people can get the government’s spending information by watching through website that created by the Open Knowledge Foundation. That can help people to monitor the government transparency.
    This website often require background knowledge to interpret and can be hard put into context. The sources of information can be more deeply in local level from the visitors.
    One of interesting facts is the decreasing in environmental spending since 2006 in the northwest of England but the government increasing in the costs of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority up to 1bn pounds per year.

  13. Health and ICT

    ICT is being used in the drug approval process but it has not resulted in an improvement in the waiting time thus far.

  14. New Card
    Expansion of Mobile Internet

    Smart phones and mobile forms are increasingly getting its popularity. ere's little doubt the mobile Internet will dominate in the coming years--just look how far mobile handsets have come since the debut of the iPhone in 2007. Toss in a growing selection of rapidly improving smartphones, a new breed of wireless-ready tablet devices, e-readers like the Amazon Kindle, and faster 4G networks, and it's easy to see that mobile is the future of the Net.

  15. News Card
    Ryan Coughlin
    FTC may enter latest Facebook privacy debacle

    Privacy advocates opposed to new privacy regulations at Facebook are attempting to get the attention of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, according to a complaint filed Thursday on behalf of the Electronic Privacy Information Center and several allied groups.

    "These changes violate user expectations, diminish user privacy, and contradict Facebook's own representations," the complaint says of Facebook's new regulations, which push more content public, and make even more data available to third-party applications and advertisers. EPIC's goal is to force Facebook to restore the old settings and add additional controls for members.

  16. News card:
    A car that turns into a speedboat

    London, England (CNN) -- California-born Dave March has always had a passion for cars and boats.

    He started building and repairing them in 1976 when he opened a garage in sunny Fountain Valley, California.

    But March wanted more than owning and working with the coolest cars and speedboats -- he dreamed of a great car that could go straight from the highway into the ocean: an amphibious car.

    March believes the amphibious car opens up a whole new dimension to people.

    "The world is 75 percent water and owning a Gator or Python means you are no longer stuck to the land," he told CNN. "You can finally drive directly into the water and just keep on going."


    Newscard.Title, Vocal Booth Solutions For Home Studios

    Harlan Hogan has devised a method of creating a ‘portable vocal booth’ for voice-over work in the field, and he reckons that all you need is a few dollars a bit of elbow-grease (if you can find any, do let me know). He explains how he did it on this page, and it’s remarkably simple – just a bit of foam, a foldable fabric box and… well, that’s it.
    Harlan uses Auralex pyramid foam, but Jake Ludington has managed to make the porta-booth even cheaper by using wedge foam – bringing the cost down to $21 per booth.
    He even made a video showing us how he did it…
    The Whole Booth
    If you are particularly flush and shy away from manual labour, then you can buy a professionally made portable vocal booth such as this one from Real Traps, or go the whole hog and splash a few grand on a full-size walk-in vocal booth. These are very impressive, but you would want to be getting a solid return from your vox work to justify this sort of expenditure.

  18. Newscard
    Title:Priminister Gordon Brown worries about the
    children in Britain

    Mr Brown said: "The internet supplies our children with a world of entertainment, opportunity and knowledge – a world literally at their fingertips.

    “But we must ensure that the virtual world is as safe for them as this one.

    "Today we are launching our online version of the 'green cross code'.

    “We hope that ‘zip it, block it, flag it’ will become as familiar to this generation as ‘stop, look, listen’ did to the last."

    But teaching unions warn that the plan to instruct all primary school children on how to safely use the internet could overburden an already full curriculum.

  19. Newcard
    Title;What's next for social gaming on the iPhone?
    Apple has been successful gaming industry untill now.It can create the latest hardware configrations and it deals the iPod Touch as a gaming device.
    Not only apple but also the iPhone 3GS have updated hardware. Developers have displayed thousands of games in the gaming area.Six services;openfeint,plus+,scoreloop, geocade, crustal SDK and agon, are the ones that are being integrated into most of today's hottest iPhone games.Refreshed hardware and software from Apple could quite easily bring us a new front-runner by this time next year.

  20. Newscard#6
    Jean Chang

    Title:Firefox, Adobe top buggiest software list

    According to the researched numbers from the National Vulnerability Database, it was found that Firefox is still holds position number one with a total 102 vulnerabilities reported. It was actually an increased of 12 from last year. However, it also said that the high number of vulnerabilities stated did not necessarily mean that the web browser actually has more bugs, it might just mean that it has the MOST reported holes. This is because Firefox is an open source where all the holes are publicly exposed.

    With the total number of 45 holes reported this year, Adobe comes in the second place, tailing by Microsoft with a figure of 41, dropping 3 numbers comparing to last year's result.

    Another interesting figure shown in this article is disclosing some of the proposed riskiest applications to users. Again, Firefox comes in first place based on the most severe vulnerabilities in popular applications that run on Windows and which are not updated automatically. It is then followed by Adobe Reader and Apple QuickTime. These numbers were listed according to Bit9, a provider of application whitelisting technology.

  21. News Card #

    Twitter hijacked by 'Iranian Cyber Army'

    Twitter was down Thursday evening and it appears that the microblogging site may have been hacked or the victim of a DNS hijacking. The news described that there was a history between twitter and Iran partaining to political issues.

  22. News Card #6 by Murat Kiymaz:

    Australia, my island home, has just recently jumped on the bandwagon of restricting internet access to "criminal sites". Even though this may seem to be a welcome move at first glance, there is concern amongst the netizens as to how this technology will be used in the future.

    You can read the full article here:

  23. Nimol

    News card #6

    Title: Google loses French copyright case

    The court has ordered the search giant to pay 300,000 euros ($430,000) in damages and interest to French company La Martiniere, which runs the Editions du Seuil publishing firm. The court case charged that Google was breaking the rule on the copyrights of the publisher's books by scanning excerpts to include in its Google Book search results. Google must also pay 10,000 euros each day until it removes the extracts. Google is unhappy with the judging and Google said it plans to argue with this.


  24. News card #6

    Title: Be a green Santa with these holiday gifts

    These are the gifts for people who write, "Dear Santa, How are you? I've been good. I've been recycling and buying compact fluorescent light bulbs. But you know what I really want for Christmas?"

    TerraPass has different packages for funding clean energy projects. Prices of the packages range from $29.75 to $369. They even have gift certificates you can have e-mailed to your green friends.

    While your elf is texting away, he or she could be doing it on a device whose the housing is made from recycled bottles. And it's not just a gimmick; CNET says: "The Motorola Renew W233 is more than just a green device; it's also a decent phone."

    Sephora sells products by Juice Beauty that are made without synthetic dyes or fragrances. Now, folks who live year-round at the North Pole probably could use a gift set of skin-care products, priced from $29 to $45.

    Pottery Barn offers a blanket in four colors, starting at $59. They also sell a comforter made from recycled plastic bottles and covered in organic cotton for $159 and up.

  25. News Card #6 by Qingfang Wei
    Title: Yahoo gets kicked to curb by Google, Bing
    Once the world's online search leader, Yahoo's share has sharply declined, putting it in danger of losing its relevance in a market increasingly dominated by Google. Yahoo's search market share in November fell to 17.5% from 18% in October, according to a monthly comScore report released late Wednesday. It's the lowest share ever recorded for Yahoo.

  26. Newscard #6

    Title: Mom's tweet as son was dying stirs debate

    As Shellie Ross waited in a hospital for word on her son, Bryson, she posted this note to the social networking site "Please pray like never before, my 2 yr old fell in the pool."
    She found out 19 minutes later that Bryson was dead.

    Ross' decision to broadcast that message Monday night to more than 5,300 people who follow her posts on Twitter has unleashed torrents of support and derision.

    ps. I thought this was really interesting.

  27. David sanderson
    News Card #6
    Building a digital Britain.

    The Britsh National Library and the BBC are currently reviewing a partnership on one of their biggest projects to date. The partnership will seek to digitalise the entire contents of the library’s publications which numbers some 150 million items which have been collected over the last 250 years. The BBC will also digitalise the entire archive of the past 90 years with a huge vault of almost 1 million hours of T.V. footage. “ Unlocking the wealth of content in the British Library and BBC archives is a great opportunity as well as an immense challenge" said BBC director general, Mark Thompson. In doing this the BBC and The British National Library believe that they are appeasing the British government by developing atruly digital Britain. The benefits for the nation and indeed the world will be untold with ease of access to materials for researhers and the general public.
    Source: 11th December 2009

  28. NEWSCARD: By David Waswa

    What Intel's next-gen Atom CPU for Netbooks means for you

    Intel has officially announced the next generation of its popular Atom CPUs for Netbooks. While probably the worst-kept secret in personal computing, unveiling the Atom N450 (previously codenamed "Pinetrail") weeks before the upcoming CES trade show means Intel doesn't want this key announcement to get lost amid the thousands of new products set to debut in January.

    One of the brightest spots in the consumer electronics industry over the past two years has been the growth of Netbooks. These small, low-power, low-cost laptops are popular with almost every segment of the computer-buying public, from students, to business travelers, to seniors.

    But, these machines had became largely commodity products, with identical components and features, driving prices down to $299 (or less, with subsidized deals from mobile phone providers). More recently, PC makers have attempted to create new tiers in the Netbook market with high-def displays and improved Nvidia Ion graphics, or even competing CPUs from AMD and Via.

    For more info please visit the link above.

  29. Title: YouTube Unveiled Its Own Link Shortener:
    When every character count, services like URL shortening which reduce long URLs into small tiny forms is getting more popular. Just a few days after Google launched its short URLs, YouTube follows its mother’s step by introducing its own short URL shortener,, which will exclusively used for YouTube videos. With this URL shortener, besides saving some space, it will also help to reduce spamming activities.

  30. Newscard by yuhua xie
    title:The Top 10 tech trends of 2009

    Engineers didn't make huge improvements to technology in 2009. The year's big tech names -- Twitter, Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon -- all existed before January.
    Instead, this is the year technology changed us.
    At year's end, we're connected to each other and to the Internet like never before. In 2009, we carried tiny computers in our pockets, through which we fed the Internet constant real-time info about where we were and what we were doing.
    Our app-laden phones helped us manage our on-the-go lifestyles; our books fell off the shelves and into e-readers; our televisions and video games unchained themselves from home entertainment centers; and our mobile updates helped organize protests and even threaten governments.
    We could have done any of these things in 2008. But we embraced in unprecedented numbers a digital-centered life in 2009.
    Here's a look back at how it happened. It's's 10 biggest tech trends of the year, listed in no particular order. Think we missed something? Please let us know in the comments below.
    Books go digital
    Info in an instant
    App mania
    Games leave the living room
    Government gets techie
    Search engine wars
    'Smart' electricity use

  31. MPs back home educating families
    Parents who home educate their children should not be forced to register with their local council, MPs have said.

    The Commons schools select committee said local authority registration for England's home educators - planned as compulsory - should be voluntary.

    However the MPs supported the requirement that parents should provide a statement of their "intended approach" to their child's education.

    A review of home education by Graham Badman has drawn angry responses.

    The Badman review recommended children be sent to school if parents did not meet certain standards.

    It was also controversial in its suggestion that children who are home educated were at greater risk from harm than youngsters who went to school.

    The select committee said the lack of information available on the numbers of home schooled children - no-one knows how many there are - made it "unsafe" for the review to have reached such a conclusion.

    Earlier this month, more than 70 MPs handed in petitions from opponents of compulsory registration for families who educate their children at home.

    Under the Badman report's proposals, parents choosing to home educate will have a legal duty to register every year.

    Councils will be given the right to refuse registration on safeguarding grounds, meaning parents could be banned from home educating their children if there are fears over safety or the quality of education provided.

    While the cross-party committee of MPs backed plans for registration, it said any such scheme should be "light touch".

    Under the government's plans, local authority officers will be required to make annual visits to home educating families, to judge the quality of education and check on safeguarding issues.

    But the committee warned these visits would not be an improvement to existing safeguarding rules and said officers should not have the right to interview a child away from their parents.

  32. Naly Arunkit
    Google’s Nexus One unveiling is timed perfectly for CES. It remains to be seen whether the Nexus One has enough mojo to upstage the barrage of devices coming down the pike next week.
