Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Home Work 10 for News Cards


  1. newscard

    World Heritage Sites

    Virtual visits are possible...

  2. Technology in Education
    News card From Robert McBain
    Educators see teaching tool in new Google program
    By KJ LANG | klang@lacrossetribune.com | Posted: Friday, January 8, 2010 12:15 am | Loading…


    Some local college officials are jumping on board "Google Wave" to see what the new technology might mean for education. This jazzed-up version of e-mail provides a centralized Internet location to write, edit and even translate text to or from foreign languages, as well as deposit photos, videos, maps and more. People can collaborate live on the same "wave," or string of communication, and can watch each other type.
    The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse could use Google Wave to build on its international education goals, allowing discussion with classes in other countries using the translation tool, said Jim Jorstad, UW-L director of educational technologies. "In teaching and learning, imagine what this could offer students," he said. "It will create a much more collaborative environment."Most instructors aren't yet using the technology, which still is under development. The University of Illinois at Springfield was among the first colleges to use Wave for online teaching since the preview version became available in September, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.
    An Internet in American Life class collaborated with another class on energy studies at Ireland's Institute of Technology. They created a "wave" to discuss the effect of the Internet on energy sustainability, according to The Chronicle.
    The technology is great for conversations among a few people, and students potentially could use it to work on a class project together. But too many users makes the tool "unwieldy," said Tom Hausmann, director of instructional and information technology at Viterbo University.
    Western Technical College is exploring Google Wave as a way to share ideas among marketing departments in 16 technical colleges statewide, public relations specialist Julie Lemon said.
    Many colleges, including Western, have outsourced in-house student e-mail service. UW-L and Viterbo are considering going to providers such as Google mail, which could save money and offer more storage space in accounts. The main concern is data security and ensuring student and staff privacy, said John Tillman, UW-L chief information officer. If UW-L decides on Google e-mail, Google Wave would be a natural extension, said Jorstad.
    "It isn't just about teaching and learning.

  3. Jinxin (venus)
    Las Vegas, Nevada (CNN) -- For all the buzz about "tablet computers" in recent weeks, one fundamental question about this supposedly break-through computer category remains unanswered:
    What exactly is a tablet?
    Computer industry representatives here at the massive and hype-heavy Consumer Electronics Show can't seem to agree.
    Break off the keyboard, leaving only a touch-screen device, he said, and the gadget falls into another buzz-worthy category: the slate.

  4. Jinxin (venus)
    What is a tablet, anyway?

    By John D. Sutter, CNN
    January 9, 2010 7:44 a.m. EST

    Las Vegas, Nevada (CNN) -- For all the buzz about "tablet computers" in recent weeks, one fundamental question about this supposedly break-through computer category remains unanswered:
    What exactly is a tablet?
    Computer industry representatives here at the massive and hype-heavy Consumer Electronics Show can't seem to agree.
    Break off the keyboard, leaving only a touch-screen device, he said, and the gadget falls into another buzz-worthy category: the slate.

  5. new card by Krystal
    Google reports China-based attack, says pullout possible

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Google said Tuesday the company and at least 20 others were victims of a "highly sophisticated and targeted attack" originating in China in mid-December, evidently to gain access to the e-mail accounts of Chinese human rights activists.

  6. News card :

    Title :Google 'may pull out of China after Gmail cyber attack'

    Internet giant Google says it may end its operations in China after hackers targeted the e-mail accounts of Chinese human rights activists.
    It said it had found a "having a good understanding of the way and targeted attack on our relating the basic systems and services particular place which is from China". It did not specifically do something wrong illegally China's government but said it was no longer desire to examine its Chinese site's results, as the government requires.On the other hand,google would hold talks with Chinese government in the coming weeks to look at operating an unfiltered search engine within the law.If the government does not accept to let it to operate an uncensor service, and Google will pull out.

  7. Homework
    News card 10
    Title; Kill me softly with your TV screen
    URL ; http://news.cnet.com/8301-27083_3-10433384-247.html?tag=newsEditorsPicksArea.0
    By the researching in Australia,watching TV more than four hours a day increases risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 80 percent. Researchers said that people those who watch TV most of the time increase cardiovascular disease while watching TV everythime.Sitting at a desk and in front of a computer also encounter the same risks. David Dunstan said that the meaning of human body is to be motion. Average daily TV watching is 3 hours in Australia and the U.K.

  8. news card # 10
    Title :facebook tracks your every move
    URL: http;//www.pcworld.com/article/186715/facebook_tracks_your_every_move_employee_claims.html
    Every time you view a profile, look at a picture, send a message of take any other action on Facebook, the company records that action, the Facebook employee said in interview.The engineer also argues that the company does this to deliver a better product.
    And the employee claims that facebook has all of your messages , deleted or not, stored in database that any Facebook employee can access.Te notion that your Facebook messages are stored in a database is about as stunning a discovery as finding out my laptop has a keyboard.

  9. News card, from Technology world
    Title-AirStash - The World's First Wireless Flash Drive
    Posted by Admin in Technology,on Jan 6,2010

    The AirStash can be approched wireless by using your iPhone or iPod Touch when you upload your media file through the USB to in your PC. You can also upload for files on your AirStash without having to plug it into your iPhone or iPod Touch.And then you can use more than one device at the same time which means that the Airstash will immediately be able to connect wirelessyly.

    from- http://www.new-technology-world.com/connect/index.php?do=/blog/airstash-the-world-s-first-wireless-flash-drive/

    More info about the exhibit can be found at cesweb.org

  10. News Card #10 by Murat Kiymaz

    URL: Please click here to read the full story.

    Title: Microsoft and HP show off 'slate' PC

    Even though I am eagerly anticipating the launch of Apple iSlate within the next 2 weeks, I might go for one of these in 2010. I love my Windows 7 and had been considering touchscreen OLED LCDs that I had seen at Pantip Plaza. Let's sit back and watch who comes out at the top, Apple or Microsoft ?

  11. News card #10 by Mali Gorjian
    the dusty attic of the solar system.

    --NASA's Michael Wargo
    The presence of water and other compounds on the moon means there are potential resources that could sustain future exploration of the moon and beyond.

    NASA is also mapping the moon's surface in unprecedented detail, eventually creating the first moon atlas. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, which launched last summer, is the robotic scout that is providing the data. LRO is on a mission that could last several years -- orbiting the moon and gathering crucial data that will help astronauts prepare for another visit.

    Wargo said LRO is carrying high-resolution cameras, which have now mapped about 50 areas on the moon, including the Apollo mission landing sites.

    "We have cameras on board that have been able to image where the Apollo spacecraft landed, and you can literally see where they put down their scientific packages, where the astronauts walked on the moon," according to Wargo.

    The LRO discovered it's extremely cold in the permanently shadowed polar craters, where temperatures dip more than 400 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, or 249 degrees below zero Celsius. That's not far from absolute zero, defined by international agreement as 273.15 degrees below zero Celsius and a temperature that cannot be physically reached. These are the coldest temperatures ever recorded in the solar system.

    The LRO is also measuring space radiation on the moon. Astronauts will need protection from this radiation during expeditions to the moon and other destinations.

    All this information is critical if humans are to make it back to the moon by 2020, the the target date set by the Bush administration in 2004. But it's more than that. Wargo sum it up this way:

    "We used to think of the moon as this really dead and unchanging place, that the moon was a dead planet. ... There are changes that occur there not over the course of thousands or millions or even billions of years, but are changing over the course of days and weeks and months. That's something people just hadn't thought of until just weeks and months ago. ... This isn't your grandfather's moon anymore."

  12. News card 10

    Title:Google Docs: Not the Only Free Cloud Storage in the Sky
    In the coming weeks, Google Docs users will be able to store more of their important files online, where they can access them easily and share them with others, according to a Tuesday post on The Official Google Blog.

    Users will be able to upload a file as large as 250MB to Google Docs. They'll also get 1GB of free storage for files that aren't in one of the Go ogle Docs formats, such as documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Additional storage will cost 25 cents per GB per year.

    The cloud-storage feature is certainly good news for Google Docs fans, but it's not the only free service in the sky. Here are four alternatives worth a closer look.

  13. McAfee in deal to power Facebook security ops

    January 12, 2010 9:00 PM PST


    In a move to show its 350 million members that it's serious about their safety, Facebook has launched a partnership with security firm McAfee: six months of McAfee's Internet Security Suite software, a discount subscription after that, and custom security software and education materials on Facebook.

  14. News card
    Title: Jaspersoft Builds Up Its BI Brawn

    The new Jaspersoft Enterprise Edition provides organizations with a package of business analytics and reporting functionalities. Growing need for better BI tools is driven by the new economics of IT, the mainstream adoption of open source software, the proliferation of Software as a Service (SaaS) and the emergence of cloud computing.Company officials also announced the availability of an upgrade of its flagship BI product to Jaspersoft 3.7.A new search-powered report repository allows users to quickly find reports. Users can also interact with advanced Flash-based graphs, maps and widgets. This makes reports, dashboards and applications more powerful.

    url: http://www.technewsworld.com/story/69094.html

  15. News card #10 by Andy

    ROXXXY, the World's First Life-Size Robot Girlfriend


    Nerds and geeks can breathe a sigh of relief: The world's first life-size robotic girlfriend is finally here. "She can't vacuum, she can't cook but she can do almost anything else if you know what I mean," Douglas Hines, the president of ROXXXY manufacturer TrueCompanion, told the AFP. "She's a companion. She has a personality. She hears you. She listens to you. She speaks. She feels your touch. She goes to sleep. We are trying to replicate a personality of a person."

  16. News card #10

    Title:There's More Than One Way to Plug Enterprise Data Leaks

    Even if leaked data is never used to commit fraud or used for identity theft, data breaches can cost companies millions of dollars and a great deal of trust among customers and partners. Within a couple of years, all financial organizations will have to take data leakage prevention very seriously.


  17. News card

    Title: Free Storage Lures Consumers to Google's Big Desktop in the Sky

    Google has added 1 GB of free storage capacity for users of Google Docs, letting them stash files in any format, up to 250 MB in size. Users who want more capacity can get it for a mere 25 cents per Gig per year. Though free online storage is nothing new, the move should attract more users to Google's online applications, furthering its aim of porting the desktop to the Web.

    Source: http://www.technewsworld.com/story/Free-Storage-Lures-Consumers-to-Googles-Big-Desktop-in-the-Sky-69098.html

  18. News Card 10#

    China Tells Web Companies to Obey Control

    BEIJING – In China's first official response to Google's threat to leave the country, the government Thursday said foreign Internet companies are welcome but must obey the law and gave no hint of a possible compromise over Web censorship.
    Foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu, did not mention Google by name, said Beijing prohibits e-mail hacking, another issue cited by the company. "Google leaving China makes people sad, but accepting censorship to stay in China and abandoning its `Don't Be Evil' principles is more than just sad," Teng wrote.
    The Global Times, took an unusually conciliatory stance Thursday, warning that Google's departure would be a "lose-lose situation" for China. Siva Yam, president of the United States of America-China Chamber of Commerce, which primarily represents U.S. companies in Chinasaid that as long as you weren't involved in politics, the media or pornography, the government would leave you alone.

  19. title:Censors back on Google as China defends Internet actions

    The Chinese government was defending its Internet practices Thursday, even as censorship of Google results -- which had briefly been lifted -- appeared to return.

    Chinese officials' assertion that China "works hard to encourage the healthy development and expansion of the Internet" came a day after Google said it may close its China-based site.

  20. David Sanderson
    News Card #10
    ISS Extends Stay In Orbit.

    Initial plans for the international space stations were that it would only operate up until the year 2015. However talks are being held which will be considering keeping the space station open for an extend period. The five partners involved, those being the U.S , Europe, Japan, Canada and Russia are discussing wether or not they should keep the station running up until 2020 in order to let more scientists work in the zero gravity labs onboard.

  21. New IE hole a factor in attacks on U.S. firms

    Microsoft warns about zero-day hole in Internet Explorer used in targeted attacks on Google and other U.S. companies, and which Google claims originated in China

    http://news.cnet.com/8301-27080_3-10435232-245.html?tag=newsLeadStoriesArea.1 for full story

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. News Card#10
    Title:The world's smallest surgeon, medibots.

    This is a da Vinci robot. It has allowed a surgeon, sitting at a control desk, to remove the patient's prostate gland in a manner that has several advantages over conventional methods. Yet the future of robotic surgery may lie not only with these hulking beasts but also with devices to the other end of the size spectrum. The surgeons of tomorrow will include tiny robots that enter our bodies and do their work from inside, with no need to open patients up or knock them out.While nanobots that swim through the blood are still the realm of fantasy,several groups are developing devices a few milimeters in size. The first generation of "mini-medibots" may infilterate our bodies through our ears, eyes and lungs, to deliver drugs, take tissue samples or install medical devices.

  24. NewsCard #10
    Title:Useful Microsoft Outlook Add-On For Facebook
    Many users make use of Microsoft Office Outlook as a personal information manager to manage personal stuff such as emails, contacts, things to do, event scheduling, etc. If you are on the Facebook social network and also using Microsoft Outlook to handle your personal information, there are a few Microsoft Outlook add-on applications for Facebook you can probably install. You can even integrate some of your Facebook features into Microsoft Outlook.
    Most of your Facebook contacts upload their profile photos into their Facebook accounts for easy identifying. Instead of downloading these profile photos and integrating them into your contacts in Outlook, you can try OutSync, a free Windows desktop application that can sync your Facebook friends’ profile photos with matching contacts in Microsoft Outlook.Fblook is another good companion for Facebook enthusiasts who use Microsoft Outlook. This free and handy Outlook add-on application allows you to update your Facebook status, see your friends’ status and see notifications of new requests (friend requests, new messages, pokes, etc) without having to open the browser or any other applications. Everything can be done by using Outlook. Xobni is another Microsoft Outlook plugin that can display profile and friends’ pictures, status messages and even recent updates to Facebook profile. Via this application, users can get their friends’ latest updates in Facebook via Microsoft Outlook.

  25. Newscard

    Google's bold threat to pull out of China has put a spotlight on something many in the tech sector have long groused about: China has been able to wedge its way into the hottest tech services by bending ground rules in its favor.
    Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter and other companies covet a foothold in China's massive consumer market of 1.3 billion tech-hungry citizens.


    Kenny's Note: China is forcing every search service to censor the information available to the public. Google's playing hardball!

  26. News Card#10
    Jean Chang

    Survey hints at strong demand for electric cars

    As global warming and preserving the environment has been a hot topic recently, Ernst & Young on Thursday released results from a survey of 1,000 licensed U.S. drivers that found 10 percent of drivers would consider purchasing a plug-in hybrid or electric vehicle.

    Automakers are foreseeing that the electrification of power trains is the future of the auto business. Nevertheless, as automakers prepare to produce tens of thousands of these cars, it will still rely very much of the demand from the market.

    The Boston Consulting Group forecasts that 25 percent of new auto sales in 2020 will be hybrids or electrics, with the bulk being conventional hybrids as the purchasing power for Toyota Hybrid encourages this forecasts.

    However, there are definitely still some clear barriers to consumer adoption, including range, cost, and availability of charging stations at home or public places.

    Ernst & Young found that 34 percent of respondents were willing to subsidize local charging stations. At the same time, their top reason for considering buying an electric or plug-in hybrid is to save money on fuel.

    In my opinion, I think the market demand for electrical vehicles will be increasing in the future with the rapid and speedy advancement of technology as well as the consumer will be getting more and more environment friendly concious.

  27. Newscard 10

    Source of news: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8460089.stm

    Radical sea defence rethink urged

    The project to protect the risk cities from the rising sea levels and more storms was settle by the joint venture between the Institution of Civil Engineers (Ice) and the Royal Institute of British Architects (Riba). Riba president Ruth Reed said that the project should operate soon because of an increase in the frequency of storms and sinking landmasses.
    The project focuses on Kingston-upon-Hull and Portsmouth, two cities deemed among the most at-risk areas in the UK and presents a series of six scenarios set up to 90 years in the future.
    The scenarios are based on three themes:
    • Retreat - moving "critical infrastructure" and housing to safer ground.
    • Defend - building city-wide sea defences to ensure water does not enter the existing urban area.
    • Attack - extending the existing coastline and building out on to the water
    The scenarios were developed by a group of experts, including architects, civil engineers, city designers, developers and policymakers.
    This project is also have an limitation from the lack of funding.


  28. News Card

    FCC wades through Net neutrality comments


    The Federal Communications Commission was flooded Thursday at midnight with filings from technology and communications companies, industry lobbying groups, and consumer advocates putting in their two cents on upcoming Open Internet rules being created by the agency.

    Thursday's deadline created a sea of paperwork for FCC officials who are already scrambling to complete a massive report detailing plans for a national broadband policy due to Congress in March. (The deadline has been pushed back from mid-February.)

    'Reader Rabbit' brings learning fun to Nintendo DS

    In the 1990s, a whole generation of kids learned to read with the Reader Rabbit software titles. Now, a whole new generation can learn kindergarten skills with the brainy rabbit, just this time around they will be playing on the portable handheld Nintendo DS instead of on the computer.
    Reader Rabbit Kindergarten from Graffiti Entertainment retains the charm, fun and educational content of the original The Learning Company computer game, but gives it a facelift appropriate to playing the game on the Nintendo DS. Reader Rabbit Kindergarten has an engaging story, easy-to-use stylus controls and eight fun educational games.

    But what is truly impressive is that the game talks to children, something that most DS games don't do. Since this is a game targeted at kindergarteners, most of whom can't yet read, this talking aspect is essential to the game's success.
    For more info check the link above.

  30. naly arunkit
    Using Hawk-Eye and IBM statistics, and now adding vision, TA is using tennis technology to take player analysis to a new level.

  31. News Card # 10 by Qingfang Wei
    Title: Why I can't watch 3D TV
    URL: http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/01/15/3d.tv.opinion/index.html
    When it comes to 3D television, I don't see it. Literally. The technology that's supposed to convince me that a 3D image exists when I look at a 2D screen doesn't work for me. The author's eyes will not let him see 3D images on a TV or movie screen. A small but significant percentage of the population cannot see 3D images .They may be left behind by Hollywood and TV makers' rush to 3D technology. TV makers say users can turn off 3D display features and just view content in 2D.

  32. Amazon Rolls Out Kindle Self-publishing Platform Worldwide

    Amazon has announced the expansion of its Kindle self publishing solution, otherwise known as Digital Text Platform, that will allow authors to push out their own content.

    The scheme, which was only available in the US previously, will support English, German and French languages, but neither Mandarin or Spanish, two more popular languages. Amazon has confirmed that it will be adding more languages to the Kindle in the forthcoming months.

  33. http://community.zdnet.co.uk/blog/0,1000000567,10014861o-2000331761b,00.htm?tag=mncol;txt


    SegwaySegway has been bought by British millionaire Jimi Heselden, an investor in the company's UK dealership.

    Heselden is the chairman of Hesco Bastion, a company that makes 'Concertainer' units for flood and blast protection, as used by the military and humanitarian agencies. Segway, which makes high-tech scooters, made the deal public in a blog post on Thursday, although it said it took place on Christmas Eve last year.

    The blog post describes Segway's buyer as "a company that is based in the United Kingdom" and said the company is backed by Heseldon, although it is not clear whether the company referred to is Hesco Bastion.

    Coincidentally, the UK government announced a consultation on 5 January into the feasibility of letting electric personal vehicles (EPVs) onto public roads and cycle tracks. Currently, EPVs such as the Segway are only legally driveable in the UK on private land.

    Inventor Dean Kamen launched the Segway 'Human Transporter' — previously codenamed Ginger — in 2001, following protracted speculation over the nature of his latest, supposedly revolutionary invention. Once revealed to the world, the Segway failed to spur on the redesign of the world's cities, as Steve Jobs allegedly predicted it would. now owned by British millionaire.

    NEWSCARD #10

    Blippy tells the world what you buy
    Blippy is a new site that auto-posts credit card purchases online

    CNN talks with the site's co-founder about privacy and his posts

    Philip Kaplan says everything he buys with credit is posted online

    That includes one "sexy gift" from a store called Does Your Mother Know

    Information Privacy
    Twitter Inc.
    (CNN) -- In Philip Kaplan's world, no credit card purchase is private -- not even the $70.06 "sexy gift" he bought from a gay-themed shop called "Does Your Mother Know." He posted that transaction online.

    Kaplan is the co-founder of a new site called Blippy. On the site, which launched last week, people enter their credit card information and Blippy automatically sends out short, public "blips" of information about what people are buying -- including the prices of the items and where they were bought.

  35. News card

    Oracle-Sun deal gets EU approval, finally

    After intense antitrust investigation focused on the MySQL database, the European Commission gives an official OK for Oracle to acquire Sun Microsystems.

  36. News Card #10
    Title: BT puts price on higher speed broadband
    BBC News - January 22 2010
    URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8474195.stm

    Based around fibre optic cables, BT said the Infinity service could change the way that people use broadband.

    It will give some customers an upload speed of up to 10 Mbps. Trials have been held in London's Muswell Hill, Whitchurch and Glasgow.

    BT said that four million homes and businesses would be able to get it by 2011.

    The current highest speed service from BT available to homes is 20 megabits per second (Mbps), though not all homes can get this headline speed.

    BT Retail said the basic 40Mbps service will be offered for £19.99 per month on an 18 month contract. It will also charge an installation fee of £50 for those on the lowest tariff.

    Only those who opt for BT's most expensive tariff, £24.99 per month, will get the 10Mbps upload speed. With the basic package upload speed is up to 2Mbps.

    BT said the higher speed would make it easier to share broadband among multiple computers and improve video streaming and net TV services.

    As with lower speed services only those closest to the street cabinets that the fibre connects to are likely to get the full 40Mbps.

    A spokesman for Virgin Media wondered why anyone would buy a service from BT that has yet to launch when it could get higher speeds via cable already.

    He said Virgin was already trialling future technology that could see cable speeds reach 200Mbps.

    Fast future

    The fibre service is being rolled out by BT's Openreach arm and will be offered to other ISPs to re-sell.

    "Other providers may have differing prices," said Andrew Ferguson of Think Broadband. "Some higher if their fair use policy is more lenient, perhaps offers with lower prices if usage amounts are lower."

    BT Retail said customers of the cheaper Infinity service would be limited to downloads of 20GB per month. Those paying more will get an unlimited service.

    "The Openreach products that Infinity is based on, are available to the LLU providers, so we can expect to see products from TalkTalk and Sky in due course," he said. "As for when depends on whether they see customers moving."

    Think Broadband is maintaining a list of exchanges that are fitted with the fibre technology so people can check if it has come to their area.

    Mr Ferguson described the launch as a "step in the right direction".

    "There is a chance for those in areas where these products and Virgin's 50meg is available to show that there is demand for products like this," he said. "That will encourage investors to put up more money so that the commercial led roll-outs can enlarge on their current plans."
